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C. Once such notice is given, the alleged violation may, within seven (7) days of the <br />time of issuance of the notice, pay the amount set forth on the schedule of penalties for the <br />violation as adopted by the City Council Resolution from time to time, or may request a hearing <br />in writing, as is provided for hereafter. The penalty may be paid in person or by mail, and <br />payment shall be deemed to be an admission of the violation. <br />D. Any person contesting an administrative offense pursuant to this Chapter may, <br />within seven (7) days of the time of issuance of the notice, request a hearing by a hearing officer <br />who shall forthwith conduct an informal hearing to determine if a violation has occurred. The <br />hearing officer shall have authority to dismiss the violation or reduce or waive the penalty. If the <br />violation is sustained by the hearing officer, the violator shall pay the penalty imposed within <br />seven (7) days or withdraw from participation in the administrative procedure by notice in <br />wiring. <br />E. A person designated in writing by the City Administrator shall be the hearing <br />officer. The hearing officer is authorized to hear and determine any controversy relating to <br />administrative offenses provided for in this chapter. <br />Section 340-2. <br />A. If a civil penalty is not paid within the time specified, it shall constitute: <br />1. A lien upon the real property upon which the violation occurred if the <br />property or improvements on the property was the subject of the violation and the property owner <br />was found responsible for that violation; or, <br />taxes. <br />2. A person obligation of the violator in all other situations. <br />B. A lien may be assessed against the property and collected in the same manner as <br />C. A personal obligation may be collected by any appropriate legal means. <br />D. A late payment fee to ten (10) percent of the fine shall be assessed for each thirty <br />(30) day period, or part thereof, that the fine remains unpaid after the due date. <br />E. Failure to pay a fine is grounds for suspending or revoking a license or permit or <br />other approval associated with the violation. <br />Section 340-3. <br />The following are misdemeanors, punishable in accordance with state law. <br />A. Failure to pay a fine or request a hearing within seven (7) days after issuance of an <br />administrative citation. <br />