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2001.05.07 ORD 2001-353
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2001 CC Ordinances
2001.05.07 ORD 2001-353
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City Council
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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2001— 353 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NINE-MONTH EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM <br />ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TEMPORARY DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM ON <br />RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE METROPOLITAN URBAN SERVICE <br />AREA. <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has assessed the progress made in addressing the items identified <br />in the original interim ordinance adopted by the Council on August 2, 1999. <br />WHEREAS, the City Council finds additional time is needed to address and continue work on the items <br />identified in the interim ordinance as adopted by the City Council on August 2, 1999, as follows: <br />1. Ci Staffing Requirements. While the City has hired a Community Development Director, the <br />existing City staff cannot complete the update to the Comprehensive Plan and other tasks <br />identified in the interim ordinance, if staff's time is being spent reacting to development <br />proposals. <br />2. City Space. While the City is in the process of awarding a bid for the construction of a new City <br />Hall, the new facility will not be available until spring of 2002. As noted in the interim <br />ordinance, the absence of sufficient space negatively effects the City's ability to administer its <br />official controls. <br />3. Water Issues. The City is in the process of addressing its water needs. The City recently <br />awarded bids for the construction of a new well and water tower. The new well will be <br />operational by the summer of 2001 and the new water tower will be operational by fall of 2002. <br />Without the new water tower, the City's water supply and distribution system is not capable of <br />providing adequate water pressure for fire flows to new residential subdivisions in certain areas <br />of the City. <br />4. Cily Zoning and Subdivision Standards. The City is in the process of revising its official <br />controls. The Planning Commission has held five special meetings to assist in the preparation of <br />a draft zoning ordinance. The formal public hearing on the zoning ordinance update is scheduled <br />for the May 23, 2001 Planning Commission meeting. Following review by the Planning <br />Commission, the ordinance will be forwarded to the City Council for its consideration. <br />WHEREAS, extending the moratorium will provide the City with the opportunity to complete its <br />planning process and the objectives specifically laid out in the interim ordinance in order to effectively <br />guide and manage future development in the City, and to make informed decisions about infrastructure <br />investments, and; <br />
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