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ORDINANCE NO. 2000-339 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HUGO CITY CODE CHAPTER 320 BY CLARIFYING <br />REGULATIONS REGARDING SUBDIVISIONS OF PROPERTY IN THE URBAN <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA NOT SERVICED BY MUNICIPAL SEWER AND WATER, <br />ESTABLISHING ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AND <br />ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR PLACES OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY. <br />(Third amendment to HCC Chapter 320) <br />The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby ordain as follows: <br />Section 1 Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 5.13C, shall be amended to read as <br />follows: <br />5.13 Sewage Treatment. <br />C. Land within the Urban Residential, Multi -family, Central Business, General <br />Business, General Industrial, and Residential Service Zoning Districts, which is <br />not being serviced by municipal sanitary sewer and public water service, may <br />not be subdivided, platted, or developed at a density greater than allowed for <br />rural land divisions. See also Section 7.14. <br />Section 2. Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 8.13, shall be amended to add a <br />subparagraph H to read as follows: <br />8.3 Planning Commission. <br />H. The Council may appoint no more than two (2) persons meeting the eligibility <br />requirements for appointment to the Planning Commission as alternate members. <br />Such alternate members may attend and take part in the Commission's deliberations, <br />but shall have no vote, except that if one (1) or more regular members is absent for <br />any meeting, then the Chairperson may appoint an alternate member, in order of <br />seniority, to serve with all the privileges of a regular member for that meeting only. <br />Section 3. Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 6, shall be amended to add a paragraph <br />6.68 to read as follows: <br />6.68. Places of Public Assembly. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or allow <br />their property to be used as, a place of public assembly, except in conformance with the <br />following standards (see also Section 5.17): <br />A. Non-commercial Places of Public Assembly may be allowed in any zoning <br />district of the City by Conditional Use Permit, where such facilities do not pose <br />an unreasonable nuisance to the public's peace and repose, and do not <br />overburden public facilities and/or services. <br />B. Commercial Places of Public Assembly may be allowed where specifically <br />permitted as a principal, accessory or conditional use by ordinance. <br />C. All places of public assembly shall have adequate sanitary facilities, potable <br />water supply, parking facilities, and emergency vehicle access to serve the <br />needs of those assembled on the property. <br />