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D. The City may require the permit holder to provide special security and public <br />safety services during periods of assembly. <br />E. Conditional Use Permits issued for places of public assembly shall include <br />controls and requirements to insure that the assembly does not become a <br />nuisance to neighboring property owners. Such requirements may include, but <br />are not limited to, a maximum number of people allowed on the site, hours of <br />operation, fencing, screening, and buffering, noise controls, electrical power <br />usage limitations, and lighting standards. <br />Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication <br />according to law. <br />Upon roll, Council members voting AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: None <br />Whereupon said ordinance was declared passed and adopted on this 20 day of March, 2000. <br />Walter L. Stoltzman, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary A reager, City Clerk <br />Published in the White Bear Press this__:�day of "2' 2000. <br />