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Metropolitan Council for review, the plan is incomplete and there is still a <br />considerable amount of work that needs to take place before the Metropolitan <br />Council will conduct its official review. This work includes updating the City's <br />land use plan and finalizing other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan as <br />described in the staff report dated August 2, 2000. <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, extending the moratorium will provide the City with the opportunity to <br />complete its planning process, and the objectives specifically laid out in the Interim Ordinance in <br />order to effectively guide and manage future development in the City, and to make informed <br />decisions about infrastructure investments. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does <br />approve a nine (9) month extension to the Interim Ordinance establishing a temporary development <br />moratorium on residential development within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area, as specifically <br />set forth in the Interim Ordinance as adopted by the City Council on August 2, 1999. The <br />temporary development moratoirum will be in effect until May 18, 2001, unless further extended, <br />or unless earlier terminated by the City Council by Resolution. <br />WHEREUPON, said Ordinance was declared passed and adopted by the City <br />Council this 5-4 day of , 2000. <br />�77 <br />RI- - Fl <br />W61 <br />mei/��.L <br />01 <br />ATTEST: <br />le� 4e;l� ete-�� <br />Mary reager, City Clerk 0 <br />