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residential development. A study needs to be taken to <br />determine if the City can obtain additional workable <br />office space within the confines of the City at a <br />reasonable price. If additional space is not available <br />for lease or purchase, then the City needs to determine <br />if the existing City Hall can be expanded, or if a new <br />City Hall should be built. If a new City Hall is to be <br />built, then a decision also needs to be made on what to <br />do with the existing City Hall and how to plan for the <br />transition from one location to another. In any case, <br />the City needs to be aware of budget constraints. <br />In short, the City needs to plan for its space <br />requirements so that it can effectively administer its <br />"official controls." <br />C. Water Issues. With the recent influx of residential <br />development, questions have arisen regarding the ability <br />of the City's municipal water service to keep up with the <br />demands on water. A number of specific issues need to be <br />studied, specifically as follows: <br />1. Minimum Standards. Specifically, in dealing with <br />new developments, a certain "fire flow" needs to be <br />met. In the past, the City has looked at the <br />minimum fire flow standards as outlined within the <br />Uniform Fire Code. The City has become aware that <br />other cities, however, have chosen a higher <br />standard so that they have some amount of "bounce" <br />within their system. A study needs to be <br />undertaken to determine what level the City should <br />rely on in reviewing new developments. <br />2. Methodology. In the past, the City has relied upon <br />expert opinions provided by the City's Engineer as <br />to whether or not a given development complied with <br />the "fire flow" requirements. Some developers have <br />had their own experts come in and use a separate <br />methodology which came up with a different result <br />than the City Engineer. A study needs to be taken <br />and a decision should be made by the City Council <br />as to picking one specific methodology to follow. <br />Accordingly, the Council would like the City <br />Engineer's office to provide information to the <br />City Council regarding the engineering theories <br />used in his methodology, explaining both <br />engineering theory and the computer model which he <br />utilizes. The City would also like the City <br />Engineer to field test the City water system to <br />determine if the actual conditions present in the <br />City correlate to a reasonable degree of <br />engineering certainty with his computer model and <br />Rev. 08/17/99 2 <br />