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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 2,2015 <br /> Page 6 of 11 <br /> Approve Resolution on Statutory Tort Liability Limits <br /> In the late 1990's,the League of Minnesota InauranceTrust required each city that obtained <br /> l iabi l ity coverage from them to decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort l iabi I ity limits to <br /> the extent of the coverage purchased.At that time,the City Council opted not to wai ve the <br /> statutory limits LM CIT is requi ri ng each member city to reaffirm their position regarding these <br /> limits Currently these limits are$500,000 per dai mart and$ 1, 500,000 per occurrence. <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTI ON 2015-4 NOT TO WAIVE <br /> STATUTORY TORT LIABILITY LIMITS. <br /> Approve Final Plat and Development Agreement for Fox Meadows 2nd Addition <br /> Meridian Land Holding, LLC requested approval of a final plat and development agreement for 23 <br /> single family residential lots. The project to be known as"Fox Meadows 2nd Addition"is located <br /> east of TH61 and north of 125th Street. The City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary <br /> plat for Fox Meadows at its March 3, 2014 meeting,which included 57 single family residential <br /> lots. There are no changes to the lots from the preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br /> approved RESOLUTION 2015-5 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT <br /> AGREEMENT FOR MERIDIAN LAND HOLDINGS, LLC FOR"FOX MEADOWS 2"d <br /> ADDITION"LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 125TH STREET. <br /> Approve Resolution for Acquisition of Tax Forfeiture Property <br /> Each year the City receives notification from Washington County of tax forfeited parcels within <br /> the City,parcels on which developers/owners have not paid taxes. In 2011,the City Council <br /> approved a resolution for acquisition of Outlot A, Beaver Ponds South. The outlot contains a <br /> stormwater pond for Beaver Ponds South. At that time the acquisition did not get completed. <br /> State law has since changed and the resolution now needs to be more specific on what the parcel <br /> will be used for. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2015-6 <br /> APPROVING THE APPLICATION BY A GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR <br /> CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LAND FOR DRAINAGE OR STORAGE OF STORM <br /> WATER UNDER A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR A PARCEL <br /> Update on Water Reuse Projects <br /> City Staff has been moving forward with several water reuse projects based on the City's <br /> Stonnwater CIP. The potential projects are located within Beaver Ponds,Waters Edge, and <br /> County Road 8. WSB Engineer Bob Barth provided the Council with an update on the progress <br /> of the water reuse projects. He explained the technical memorandum is pending approval of the <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District. Bob provided details on the proposed projects and explained that <br /> the projects could be paid for with user fees,through BMP credits sold to private developments, <br /> from possible bonding bill appropriations and/or from available grants. The next steps would be <br /> to consider a bonding bill application, finalize the technical memorandum with the RCWD,meet <br /> with the Water's Edge Development, finalize rate study,and determine user fees.The City will <br /> continue reporting the Oneka Ridge Golf Course results to the RCWD for credit verification. <br />