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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 6,2015 <br /> Page 6 of 10 <br /> Approve Award of Bid for the 2015 Gravel Road Resurfacing Project <br /> At its March 2, 2015 meeting,the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise and <br /> receive bids for the delivery of gravel for the City's gravel road resurfacing project. Bids were <br /> received and opened on March 31,2015 for this contract. <br /> Public Works Director Scott Anderson explained the scope of the project.Two bids were <br /> received with the low bid from Dressel Contracting, Inc. at$8.00/ton. <br /> Haas made motion,Miron seconded,to approve a 2015 gravel road resurfacing contract with <br /> Dressel Contracting to supply class 5 modified(60%crushed)aggregate at$8.00/ton. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on Marketing of City Owned Property <br /> Over the past several years the City has been acquiring properties in downtown for the purpose <br /> of redevelopment of the area. The property is for sale and consists of approximately four acres. <br /> Planner Rachel Juba explained to Council that the EDA has been marketing the property in <br /> several ways, including the hiring of a realtor, who they later let go. The City continues to <br /> market the property on its own through the website, flyers, signage,and providing information to <br /> commercial brokers and other interested parties. In January, staff met with the St. Paul Port <br /> Authority,who specializes in economic development. They provided specific steps they go <br /> through in the selling and developing of properties, and staff learned that the City has been doing <br /> a lot of the right things and is pretty well situated. <br /> Rachel updated the Council on recent EDA discussions about incentives based on the project <br /> meeting certain development criteria. Criteria included specific uses that would benefit the <br /> public,quality architecture and design,and creation of public amenities. If certain criteria is <br /> met,the property could be offered at a reduced price or even$1. Staff could look for new ways <br /> to market the property with these incentives. <br /> Hass talked about the development of Schwieters and recalled working with Tom Junella,who <br /> brought Schwieters to Hugo. Haas said he felt Tom did a great job and suggested staff reach out <br /> to him. He also suggested the hiring of St. Paul Port Authority or similar agency who has the <br /> expertise and talents to market it. <br /> Petryk asked whether failure to sell the property is due to the economy or the marketing of it. <br /> Juba stated that it is likely a little of both,and the reduced price would be something new to <br /> offer. Petryk initiated discussion about specific uses that would be allowed. <br /> The Mayor stated he liked what was in the criteria, feeling it was a good start,but the City needs <br /> to be selective on what types of uses they allow. <br /> Miron said he agreed it was a good plan,and was willing to consider some incentive in hopes a <br /> project will exceed the criteria and be a model to other businesses in the downtown area. <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear stated that the EDA had a much longer list of criteria,and <br />