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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 6,2015 <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br /> Council should consider if there are comfortable with this level of an incentive. The hope is to <br /> get projects to the door and evaluate them from there. <br /> Klein said he was concerned that staff did not have the time to market the property. <br /> Bear responded that the City has been going through brokers who are marketing the property at <br /> the market levels price,which has not seen any results. Hugo may be able to get projects if <br /> marketed with the incentives, and staff can do some marketing to make these incentives <br /> available,though he acknowledged other organizations may be better suited. <br /> Haas made motion, Klein seconded,to direct staff to proceed with the development incentives <br /> and criteria,and review it with the St. Paul Port Authority to see what they would charge to <br /> market it, and report back to Council. <br /> Weidt talked about the discussion that occurred at the EDA meeting and said he has faith in their <br /> recommendation to move forward as a City in marketing the property with these incentives. He <br /> also did not want things delayed while working with the Port Authority. <br /> Ayes: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk <br /> Nays: Weidt <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for the Rice <br /> Lake Meadows and Finale Avenue Improvement Projects <br /> At its March 2, 2015 meeting,Council directed WSB and Associates to prepare plans and <br /> specifications for street improvements in the Rice Lake Meadows development and for Finale <br /> Avenue. On March 31,2015, staff held an open house for residents to review the plans and ask <br /> questions regarding the project. <br /> City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update on the open house. He stated there was much <br /> discussion about constructing the intersection without the median, and it was well received by <br /> attendees of the open house. <br /> Klein talked about the crosswalk and the safety of it without a stop sign. Kennedy stated that the <br /> walk would be marked and there would be signage showing the crosswalk. Currently there is no <br /> sidewalk, and this will be a safer option than walking on the street. The Council also discussed <br /> evaluating the lighting at the intersection. <br /> Petryk made motion, Haas seconded,to approve RESOLUTION 2015—16 APPROVING <br /> PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR <br /> THE RICE LAKE MEADOWS AND FINALE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT <br /> PROJECTS. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> jgislative Updates <br /> At its March 16,2015 meeting,City Administrator Bryan Bear provided Council with an update <br /> on several bills that were introduced during this year's legislative session that are related to water <br />