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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 18,2015 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the Hugo <br /> American Legion Auxiliary Post 620. <br /> Discussion on Water Summit <br /> The City of Hugo held a Water Summit on January 29 and April 9. Attendees at these meetings <br /> were leaders from the cities of Hugo,Centerville,Circle Pines,Columbus, Forest Lake, Lino <br /> Lakes, and Scandia,and local legislators, Metropolitan Council, and Department of Natural <br /> Resources. The makeup of the group is similar to that of the I-35 W/E Collation. At both these <br /> meetings, there was discussion regarding formalizing the group to meet on a regular basis to <br /> discuss and act on items that affect all communities. <br /> Petryk made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule the next water summit meeting for June 4, <br /> 2015 at 6:30 p.m. to include a BBQ. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Miron made motion,Petryk seconded, to direct staff to prepare a draft agreement formalizing <br /> the group for consideration at the next meeting. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on National Recycling.Inc.Site Improvements <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear provided Council with an update on the status of the site <br /> improvements at National Recycling, Inc., 15717 Forest Boulevard North. He showed the <br /> approved site plan for NM and talked about the improvements that had occurred there. The area <br /> on the west side of the pond needs to be landscaped and improvements done in the front with <br /> trees and irrigation. A few light poles need to be added to the site and a final layer of payment <br /> with striping. Bryan explained the most significant concern is the condition in their Conditional <br /> Use Permit stating that no materials are to be stored directly on the ground. There is currently a <br /> small pile of scrap in the southeast corner of the site. The pile is naturally constrained in size due <br /> to the inability to maneuver around the pond and scale if the pile becomes any larger. The site <br /> needs to match the CUP site plan and conditions.The property owner has indicated that the <br /> business is operating differently than planned when the permit was first approved; there is now a <br /> need to conduct some sorting on the site. <br /> Bryan provided some options for the Council to consider. The City could insist the site comes <br /> into compliance by imposing timelines,which may result in formal enforcement action. Another <br /> option would be to encourage the property owner to apply for revisions to the plan through the <br /> CUP amendment process. <br /> Haas stated it was Council's responsibility to hold the business owner accountable to the CUP <br /> and require they come into compliance. <br /> Miron agreed there needed to be some end to this continuing situation. <br />