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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 15,2015 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> tent set up in the parking lot adjacent to the building,and will play from 6 p.m.-midnight. Staff <br /> has been working with the Blue Heron on the details of the events and finds the event to be well <br /> planned. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event Permit for the Blue <br /> Heron Grill for outdoor concerts on June 26 and 27,2015 subject to the conditions in the permit. <br /> Approve Final Plat and Development Agreement for Prairie Village 4th Addition <br /> OP3 Prairie Village LLC, is requesting approval of a fmal plat and development agreement in <br /> order to plat 25 single family residential lots and 3 outlots. The project,to be known as"Prairie <br /> Village 4th Addition", is located north of 158t Street and west of Oneka Parkway. The site is <br /> currently a vacant piece of land. The final plat will plat the remaining 25 lots from the Prairie <br /> Village preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2015-32 <br /> APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR OP3 PRAIRIE <br /> VILLAGE, LLC, FOR"PRAIRIE VILLAGE 4th ADDITION"LOCATED NORTH OF <br /> PRAIRIE TRAIL AND WEST OF ONEKA PARKWAY <br /> Approve Variance for Size and Location of Accessory Structure at 12849 Grevstone Ave.N. <br /> Sharon Hanifl-Lee is requesting a variance from the size requirements to allow the combined <br /> total size for accessory buildings on the property to be 2,045 square feet,where 1,500 square feet <br /> is allowed by ordinance. The applicant is proposing a 400 square foot accessory building for an <br /> open air pool side structure. The applicant is also requesting a variance to allow an accessory <br /> building to be placed in the front of the house, where the ordinance states that accessory <br /> buildings shall not protrude in front of the principal building. At its May 28,2015,meeting the <br /> Board held a public hearing and considered the requests. Staff presented the findings to the <br /> Board and recommended approval of the variance requests. There was no one that spoke during <br /> the public hearing,except the applicant. The Board unanimously recommended adoption of the <br /> resolutions approving the variance requests to the City Council. Adoption of the Consent <br /> Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2015-33 APPROVING VARIANCES FOR SHARON <br /> HANIFL-LEE IN THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY <br /> LOCATED AT 12849 GREYSTONE COURT NORTH <br /> Public Hearing on Prairie Village 3rd Addition to Vacate Drainage and Utility Easement <br /> Planner Rachel Juba explained that OP3 Prairie Village, LLC, is requesting a vacation of the <br /> existing drainage and utility easement located over Outlot A, Prairie Village 3`d Addition. Outlot <br /> A will be used for the development of Prairie Village 4th Addition. New drainage and utility <br /> easements will be placed on the lots and outlots at the time the final plat is recorded. Staff is <br /> comfortable with the applicant's requests to vacate the easements and recommended the City <br /> Council approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility easement located over Outlot A, <br /> Prairie Village 3rd Addition. <br /> Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. There was no one who spoke,and the Mayor closed the <br /> public hearing. <br /> Klein made motion,Petryk seconded,to approve vacation of the drainage and utility easement <br /> over Outlot A,Prairie Village 3`d Addition. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />