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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 15,2015 <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br /> Clearwater Cove Concept Plan <br /> Community Development Intern Rachel Leitz presented a concept plan on the proposed <br /> Clearwater Cove Development by D.R. Horton. Rachel explained that the developer has created <br /> a concept plan to get comments from the City Council before moving forward with the <br /> development approval process. Property owner Marvin LaValle had signed a contract with the <br /> D.R. Horton to develop two parcels of land generally located south of Frenchman Road(CR 8) <br /> and east of Everton Avenue. D.R. Horton is proposing to subdivide the two parcels to plat 89 <br /> residential lots, stormwater ponding areas, a park,sidewalk and trail connections,and road <br /> connections. D.R. Horton will be requesting a Planned Unit Development(PUD) for Clearwater <br /> Cove, and construction would be done in two phases. The major road connection(Oneka <br /> Parkway)to Frenchman Road will be constructed with phase two. The developer has indicated <br /> that an Home Owners Association will be established for the development to maintain <br /> community areas, landscaping,and the water re-use system. Homes will be two-story walkouts, <br /> and fill from ponds would build up the land. Monitoring of ground water levels is happening <br /> now to set grading and low floor elevations accordingly. Leitz requested Council provide <br /> feedback on the concept plan regarding the general layout, PUD request,housing types,road <br /> circulation and construction,and stormwater management/water re-use. <br /> The Council asked questions on road widths,traffic, future road connections, sidewalks, the <br /> irrigation system. City Administrator Bryan Bear showed how CSAH8 would connect, and there <br /> was discussion about a temporary road on the east side of the property for construction access. <br /> He also stated that City Code does not address the maintenance of sidewalks. City Engineer Jay <br /> Kennedy explained how the width of the road would reduce to 28' within the development and <br /> how the stormwater irrigation would be done in phases. <br /> Mike Suel,with DR Horton Homes, stated he was the developer and builder on this project. He <br /> talked about sidewalks stating he would work with staff on whether snow removal would be <br /> done through the Homeowners Association(HOA)or if residents would be required to clear the <br /> snow since City Ordinance does not address it. He addressed the temporary access road they <br /> plan on building next spring stating they would be getting an easement for it,but they need to get <br /> approvals for crossing over the creek. Suel talked about the irrigation system saying they will <br /> not be building all lots at once but will have the irrigation system in place by next summer and <br /> ready to water sod in phase one.This summer,they will be digging Outlot B and putting in the <br /> streets and utilities. Groundwater will be monitored,and homes will have sump pumps and drain <br /> tile. <br /> Council discussed with the applicant the park,timing of development, cost of the homes and <br /> types of homes they plan on building. The applicant said they planned on having a model open <br /> in November, and buildout would occur approximately four years after that. Prices would range <br /> from the upper$300,000 with options putting them in the low to mid$400,000. There are <br /> several house plans to choose from so the homes in the neighborhoods would be diverse; each <br /> floor plan has a distinct elevation. The park would be about the size of two lots and have <br /> playground equipment with a few benches. <br /> Council had comments about traffic concerns and agreed the road connecting to CSAH 8 needed <br /> to be constructed sooner than later. They also felt the park was small but appreciated they were <br /> tackling the water reuse systems. Jay stated that the City will be monitoring and actively <br /> involved in managing part of the system.Council said they would like to see stone on all the <br />