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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Special Event Permit because over 800 cars and motorcycles are expected to participate in the <br />run. The planned route is to use all County Roads; however, there is currently construction on <br />the CSAH 7/8 Intersection. This construction is expected to be completed by September 24, <br />2015. If necessary, Goodview Avenue between CSAH8 and CSAH7 will be used at the detour. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event Permit for Cruise for Troops on <br />September 26, 2015. <br />Approve Purchase of Home at 14715 Forest Boulevard North <br />Staff had negotiated a purchase agreement for the house at 14715 Forest Boulevard North, which <br />is now available for purchase. The property is adjacent to other property the City owns along <br />Highway 61 for future commercial redevelopment. The negotiated purchase price is $120,000. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the home at 14715 Forest Boulevard <br />North. <br />Approve Hiring of Gary Birchem as Public Works Seasonal Emplovee <br />Consistent with years past, seasonal help continues to be needed after the college -aged temporary <br />employees return to school. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hire of Gary <br />Birchem to assist the Public Works Department in their seasonal needs into the fall of this year. <br />Resolutions Declaring Cost. Assessment Role, and Hearing Date for Rice Lake Meadows <br />Proiect <br />The City Council Ordered the Rice Lake Meadows street improvement project on March 2, <br />2015, and awarded a construction contract to complete the project on June 1, 2015. The <br />improvements are substantially completed, and staff is recommending that the Council move <br />forward with the assessment process for the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 201542 CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED <br />ASSESSMENT FOR THE RICE LAKE MEADOWS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />and RESOLUTION 201543 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED <br />AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR THE RICE LAKE <br />MEADOWS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Resolution Adopting Preliminary Tax Lew for 2016 <br />At its August 24, 2015 midyear budget workshop, the City Council listened to a presentation <br />from Finance Director Ron Otkin highlighting revenues and expenditures to date as well as <br />projections for the 2016 fiscal year. It was the consensus of the Council that the 2016 <br />preliminary tax levy provide for no change in the urban tax rate. The total proposed 2016 <br />property tax levy of $5,634,328 keeps the urban tax rate at 36.320% of tax capacity while the <br />rural tax rate will decline by .012%. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOULTION <br />2015-44 APPROVING PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY PAYABLE IN 2016. <br />