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City Council meeting of January :'^, 1991 <br />Page ? <br />Stolt man made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION .1991-22, <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING RULES #1 AND #7 OF RESOLUTION 1990-41. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte and Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Jesinsk:i, McAllister, Stolt man <br />Motion Failed. <br />It was noted that the Committee will stay as created by Resolution 1990-41 <br />for the time being. <br />SPECIAL_ USE PERMIT f16" GAS LINE - NSP) <br />On behalf of NSP, Mr. Mick:elburg has made application to the City of Hugo <br />for a SUP that would allow construction of a 16" natural gas pipeline in <br />the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way from 175th Street south to <br />1 Oth Street. The pipe .in question would be located 42' east of the <br />center line of the BNR right-of-way, and will be approximately 5' deep. <br />This request was reviewed by the Hugo Planning Commission at a public <br />hearing on August 222, 1990, at which time public input was taken. It <br />should be noted that no one indicated an objection to the proposal in <br />question, and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the SUP <br />subject to special conditions, with the understanding that the exact <br />location of this pipe shall be as recommended by the City Engineer, and <br />shall not conflict with the future extension of municipal utilities. Dave <br />Callahan and Mark: Mickelberg were present at the meeting to discuss the <br />proposed plans. Councilman McAllister requested that the City have their <br />own on-site monitor, at the expense of NSP, and that NSP provide the City <br />with two "as-builts" after completion of the project, and NSP's <br />representatives agreed to both requests. The City Engineer has reviewed <br />the plans, and feels the new alignment for the qas line is now acceptable, <br />and will accommodate the future extension of utilities by the City. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the request of NSP for <br />a Special Use Permit to construct a 16" natural gas pipeline in the <br />Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way from 175th Street south to 1 0th <br />Street. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. All conditions of the special use permit must be met within 180 days <br />of Council approval unless otherwise stipulated in this permit. If <br />all conditions are not met, the permit will be null and void. <br />No significant deviations from the site plan and special use permit <br />will. be permitted unless reviewed by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br />._,. The site must be policed and maintained on a regular basis with regard <br />to litter, on-site nuisances, and safety during the course of project <br />construction. <br />4. All fees related to the review and issuance of this permit shall be <br />paid by the applicant. <br />5. The owner/applicant shall permit access to the site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with this permit. <br />6. The activities on site shall not cause the altering of any <br />watercourse, ditch, or drainage system. <br />