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City Council meeting of January 22, 1991 <br />Page <br />recommendation that Mr. Dernier be required to wait at least one year <br />before applying for reinstatement to the department. <br />Stolt man made motion, Drunotte seconded, that Mr. Dernier be required to <br />wait at least one year before applying for reinstatement to the Hugo Fire <br />Department. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VERN PELOQUIN (DILL PAYMENT) <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Mr. Vern Peloquin <br />requesting that the Council reconsider a financial claim filed by Mr. <br />Peloquin against the City of Hugo. This matter was reviewed by the City <br />Council on December ..?, 1990, at which time the Council considered <br />overruling an earlier decision not to pay the bill in question. The City <br />originally denied this claim for the following reasons: <br />1. The work was not authorized by a City official. <br />2. The work was not inspected by a City official so there was no <br />verification work: was ever performed. <br />3. The 11/05/90 bill was altered from the original bill submitted on <br />09i17i90 with regard to compensation requested. <br />4. The proof of contractor's workman compensation insurance was not <br />provided, as requested. <br />Rather than going into a lengthy detail regarding this request, the City <br />Council was provided with an extract of the December 3, 199(_► City Council <br />meeting involving this matter. <br />Mir -on made motion, Drunotte seconded, to authorize payment of $80.00 to <br />Vern Peloquin for his cost in reshaping and leveling the spoil bank: that <br />was left by the City when cleaning a ditch on his property in March, 1990, <br />and that our City Administrator prepapre a letter to Mr. Peloquin <br />e -;pressing our apology for not properly inspecting and leveling the spoil <br />bank: and for the inconvenience our actions may have caused him. <br />VOTING AYE: Miron, Drunotte, Stoltzman <br />'DOTING NAY: Jesinsk:i and McAllister <br />Motion Carried. <br />TOM JESINSk::I (LETTER) <br />The City Council received a letter from Councilman Tom Jesinski regarding <br />appointment of the Planning Commission chairperson. If the City Council <br />is desirous of acting on Mr. Jesinski's request, a motion would be <br />required from the prevailing (majority) side of this issue to reconsider <br />this matter. Mayor Stolt man stated that he personally had asked members <br />of the Planning Commission whether they were interested in serving as <br />chairperson, and received no positive responses. There was no change in <br />the Planning Commission chairmanship. <br />