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City Council meeting of JaPlUary 2i', 1991 <br />Page 6 <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, that along with City Council <br />meetings, the meetings of the Hugo Planning Commission be televised. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY ENGINEER (PROJECT STATUS RE.PORT5_L <br />At the Mayor's request, the City engineer was invited to present an update <br />to City Council on various engineering and construction projects that they <br />are currently wor4::ing on. The presentation time will serve as an <br />excellent opportunity to familiarize the Council, and ask: questions <br />regarding various projects and activities initiated by the previous City <br />Council. Howard VIWSisto, City Engineer, presented the Council with a <br />written update of City projects, and reviewed the list with the Council, <br />as follows: <br />1. Hardwood Creek Bridge (Elmcest Avenue, north of 165th Street). <br />2. Capital Street Improvements - Phase 2. <br />Water Management (update for existing Comp Plan). <br />4. Elmcrest Avenue (from County Road 14 to Bald Eagle Lake). <br />5. 120th Street (boundary street between Hugo, Ramsey County and White <br />Bear Township). <br />PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS? <br />The City Council received copies of letters from two Hugo residents <br />indicatating their interest in serving on the Hugo Planning Commission. <br />Mayor Stolt man has indicated he also has received letters from other <br />individuals indicating an interest in serving on the Planning Commission. <br />Chapter 240-4 of the municipal code states that "vacancies occurring <br />during the term shall be filled by the City Council for the Unexpired <br />portion of the term giving rise to the vacancy." The Mayor- is also <br />required to appoint a member of the City Council to serve as a non-voting, <br />e;: -officio member of the Planning Commission. The current vacancy is for <br />a two-year term. Because the Council was riot aware of all residents <br />expressing an interest, the matter was tabled until the regular City <br />Council meeting of February 4, 1991. Mayor Stoltzman will contact <br />Commissioner Chuck:: Henry about possible revisions to the Planning <br />Commission's bylaws. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Councilman Miron asked that the City Administrator prepare a letter to <br />Press Publications to determine if it was possible to serve all of Hugo <br />with the White Bear Press. <br />Brunotte made motion, Stolt man seconded, to adjourn at 10:10 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Ma?yn Creager,C� y Clergy: <br />