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City Council meeting of March 4, 1991 <br />Page <br />exception of the reduced size of the site for the purpose of mining. It <br />would appear that all insurance and required financial deposits have been <br />provided, with the exception of the $25,000 compliance bond, which will be <br />provided if the permit is approved. The applicants have requested that <br />this permit be treated as a transfer from Richard Schuh to RCA, Inc. In <br />that there appears to be no process for the transfer of such a license, <br />the City is treating it as a new application subject to the same <br />conditions and requirements of the permit issued to Mr. Richard Schuh. As <br />a courtesy to adjacent property owners, a copy of the agenda was sent to <br />representatives of the neighborhood groups adjacent to the gravel pit. <br />Rich Carron, president of RCA, explained the operation, and answered <br />questions from the Council and audience. Mr. Carron stated that he had <br />reviewed the 33 conditions of the proposed mining permit, and had no <br />problem with complying with them. because of illegal use of haul roads in <br />the past, new directional signs will be placed on the pit site for the <br />drivers. Mayor Stoltzman opened the meeting for public comment, and Sandy <br />and Bob Malaski expressed their concerns about the following: water and <br />air pollution, violations of permit conditions relating to hours of <br />operation, noise from the operation, and concern that the operator is not <br />using materials on site, but rather hauling in materials. If the permit <br />was granted this evening, the Council stated that at the time of a public <br />hearing in 1992, the operator of the gravel pit will have to provide <br />information as to the "life expectancy" of the pit. Mr. Carron agreed to <br />have this data available at that time. <br />Jesinski made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the application of <br />River Valley Asphalt, Inc., for a Mining Permit to allow for the removal <br />of gravel and the operation of a portable asphalt plant at the NW 1/4 of <br />the SW 1/4 of Section_, and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 3, all. <br />in T31N, R 1W, Washington County, MN. This Mining Permit will expire on <br />July 1, -1992, and is subject to compliance with all special conditions as <br />stated in the permit. <br />VOTING AYE: JesinsE::i, McAllister, Miron, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: brunotte <br />Motion Carried. <br />FOREST LAKE YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU CONTRACT <br />The City Council received a copy of the annual contract with the FLYSB for <br />services described therein. This agreement is similar to those entered <br />into by the City in previous years; however, we would note that the <br />signing of this agreement does commit the City to the $2,760 contribution <br />noted on page 1 of the agreement. A copy of the Youth Service BUreau's <br />annual report is on file with the City for your review. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to table this matter until state <br />legislative adjournment to better determine the financial position of the <br />City as it relates to the 1991 budget. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />City Administrator Huber will contact the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau <br />advising them of the Council action. <br />