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City Council meeting of March 4, 1991 <br />Page <br />OPERATION OF' 1991 COMPOST SITE <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from the Washington County <br />Public Health Department indicating that they will be discontinuing the <br />financing of compost sites beginning in 1992. It is our understanding <br />that the state and county will be funding the operation of compost <br />facilities during the 1991 year at the same level as it was operated in <br />1990. Their letter suggested that the City Council may want to consider <br />alternates for providing this type of service when funding runs out in the <br />future. The City's cost of operating our compost site in 1990 was <br />$4,450.00. It is our intent to continue operating the compost site for <br />the 1991 calendar year unless directed otherwise by the City Council. <br />Councilman Miron suggested that the City contact Anot::a County regarding <br />their compost program. The City Council consensus was that the City <br />Should continue operation of its compost recycling in a manner consistent <br />with the 1990 program. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION COMPREHENSIVE FLAN REVIEW <br />Administrator Huber reviewed the Planning Commission's progress relative <br />to required changes in the Systems Statement. <br />LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT STUDY <br />Administrator Huber stated that a copy of the study is available at City <br />Hall for Council review. <br />STANEK LITIGATION <br />Administrator Huber stated that depositions will be taken, and this matter <br />will be ready for trial shortly. <br />CIP PHASE 2 <br />Administrator Huber stated that the plans and specs for this project <br />should be ready for the City Council meeting of April 1, 1991. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Councilman Miron discussed the condition of gravel roads in the City, and <br />a complaint he received regarding the lack:: of snow removal on sidewalks in <br />the area south of the post office. <br />The City Administrator responded to a newspaper article which stated, "the <br />City of Hugo had the dubious honor of having the highest tax rate in <br />Washington County." He explained how the increased property taxes <br />affected the City's revenue budget, and how the loss of homestead credit <br />would affect taxpayers and the City's budget. He emphasized the affect <br />revenue cuts would have on City service levels. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to adjourn at 9:12 PM. <br />aye. Mot' h Car i <br />Mary Ann 4eager, City Cler:: <br />City of <br />