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City Council meeting of April 15, 1991 <br />Page 2 <br />1. Public purpose. <br />2. Authorized by Minnesota Statutes. <br />Approval by City Council to spend money. <br />Because the request did not satisfy the criteria, it was Mr. Johnson's <br />opinion that the City could not legally make a financial contribution. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to send Cecelia Nadeau of the <br />American Legion Post, a copy of the City Attorney's report regarding her <br />request for a financial contribution. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DITCH CLEANING REQUEST (ENGINEER'S REPORT) <br />In response to a letter from Mr. Paul Husnik regarding ditch maintenance <br />adjacent to his property, the City Council requested an inspection by the <br />City Engineer regarding this matter. City Engineer, Howard k::uusisto, <br />submitted a report of his findings. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to inform property owners along <br />the ditch in question that the City will be installing signs for the <br />control of snowmobile traffic. <br />Councilman Miron questioned whether the City had the legal authority to <br />sign private property and offered an amendment to the previous motion that <br />the City secure permission from the property owners before placing any <br />signs or barricades on their property. City Attorney, Charles Johnson, <br />stated that, without doing extensive research, it was his opinion that the <br />City had the right to regulate activities affecting a drainage system. <br />The City Administrator suggested that the Council direct the staff to send <br />a letter informing residents along the ditch that signs would be <br />installed. Councilman Miran stated he preferred that the Council take <br />formal action, by motion, as opposed to giving verbal direction. <br />Councilman Miron also indicated concern that the Council would be setting_ <br />a precedent on the signing of other snowmobile routes that could become <br />costly to the City. Councilman Miron withdrew amendment. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE FOR OVERSIZED GARAGE ( J . MEYER) <br />Jeffrey and Ann Meyer, of 10221 k::erry Court, have made application to the <br />City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 3oe square foot addition to <br />their existing residential garage. This request would allow the <br />construction of a garage 860 square feet in size. The property in <br />question is zoned conservancy, and consists of approximately five acres. <br />This request is consistent with Council policy regarding issuance of <br />variances for over -sized garages in a residential zone. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the variance <br />application of Jeffrey and Ann Meyer, 1CC221 k:erry Court, for the <br />construction of a 3C)9 square foot addition to their existing residential <br />