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City Council meeting of April 15, 1991 <br />Page _ <br />garage. The proposed addition/garage is to be used for residential <br />purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY FLAT AMENDMENT (BIRCH TREE FONDS) <br />Mr. James Merila, 8401 73rd Avenue North #63, Brooklyn Park, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for a preliminary plat amendment for the <br />current plat of Birch Tree Fonds, formerly known as Hugo Meadows South. <br />The property in question is described as Outlot A of Birch Tree Fonds 2nd <br />Addition, Washington County, MN. The property is zoned SFU, and contains <br />approximately 25.3 acres, of which a portion is DNR protected wetlands <br />#82-2.60W. The preliminary plat in question is considered minor in nature, <br />and will affect phases 3 and 4 of the original preliminary plat approved <br />by the City. It is the developer's intent to make the following changes: <br />1. Adjust the pond depth and location. <br />2. Changes in cul-de-sac locations. <br />3. Addition of four residential lots. <br />4. Grading changes on site. <br />The grading changes, utility locations, and hydrology changes have been <br />reviewed by the City Engineer, and a copy of his report is on file. At <br />the March 27, 1991 regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission, a <br />public hearing was conducted, and the Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval of the preliminary plat amendments, as proposed. Mr. <br />John Johnson, representing James Merila, reviewed the proposed changes <br />with the City Council. <br />Jesinski made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the request of Mr. <br />James Merila for a preliminary plat amendment for the current plat of <br />Birch Tree Fonds, formerly known as Hugo Meadows South, to make the <br />following changes: <br />1. Adjust the pond depth and location. <br />2. Changes in cul-de-sac locations. <br />Addition of four residential lots. <br />4. Grading changes on site. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FLAT APPROVAL CLARIFICATION BIRCH TREE FONDS SND ADDITION) <br />At the February 4, 1991 regular meeting of the Hugo City Council, action <br />was taken approving the final plat of Birch Tree Ponds 2nd Addition. <br />Approval of said plat was subject to special conditions and providing a <br />financial deposit, as prescribed in the Development Agreement. Item #21 <br />of the special conditions read as follows: "The lowest floor elevation of <br />any structure in the plat shall not be below 932.5' mean sea level, or as <br />identified in restrictive covenants, whichever is greater." It was later <br />brought to our attention that the 93.5' elevation was to be only for <br />