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City Council meeting of April 15, 1991 <br />Page 5 <br />REQUEST FOR USE OF PUBLIC FACILITY (S. k-:REY) <br />Mr. Shane Krey of 6640 125th Street, Hugo, MN., has made application to <br />the City for use of the City's softball diamonds on May 18 and 19 for a <br />tournament. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, authorizing exclusive use of the <br />City's ballfields for a softball tournament on May 18 and 19, 1991, to Mr. <br />Shane k::rey. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. On -street parking on Fitzgerald Avenue and 147th Street be such that <br />it does not disrupt the two-way flow of traffic on the said streets. <br />2. Activities on the fields shall not begin before 7:06 AM, and must be <br />concluded no later than 10:00 PM each day. <br />3. No overnight camping be permitted in the part::. <br />4. No glass beverage containers be permitted in the part::. <br />5. At the conclusion of the tournament, or no later than 122:00 noon on <br />May 19, 1991, all trash, rubbish, and other debris in the part; shall <br />be removed and properly disposed of so as to leave the part: in a clean <br />and safe condition. <br />S. The sale of alcoholic beverages on site shall be done by a licensed <br />vendor carrying the proper liability insurance, as per Minnesota <br />Statutes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, reported on the following: <br />1. The letter was sent to Mr. Dean Atkinson as per Council discussion at <br />their previous meeting. <br />. Briefed the Council as to the condition of Elmcrest Avenue as the <br />result of recent rains. Steps are being taken to help the situation. <br />3. The Washington County Health Department has notified the City of Hugo <br />that we will again be eligible for a curbside recycling grant <br />amounting to $10.00 per household. <br />4. The City of Hugo has received notice from the DNR that we will have 90 <br />days in which to comply with the new Flood Insurance requirements. <br />5. NSP will be in the City restoring rights-of-way disturbed because of <br />last year's natural gas extension. Complaints should be brough to the <br />staff's attention this week. <br />b. A resolution will be drafted requesting a speed study be done on <br />County Road 8A between Highway 61 and Goodview Avenue. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Mayor Stolt man read a letter from Gene Johnson, Press Publications, in <br />which he stated that all of Hugo is not served by his newspaper May(-) r' <br />Stolt man said he will be writing a letter to Mr. Johnson stating that <br />100% circulation was the basis to Hugo's decision to declare Press <br />Publications as the City's legal newspaper. <br />