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City Council meeting of April 15, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />those lots, in Birch Tree Fonds 2nd Addition, that were east of Freeland <br />Avenue. This matter was reviewed, at length, with the City Engineer, and <br />he concurred with this understanding. The City staff recommends that the <br />City Council amend special condition #21, for the plat of Birch Tree Fonds <br />2nd Addition, adding the following language: "for all lots east of <br />Freeland Avenue". Lots west of Freeland Avenue shall be at the elevations <br />identified on the approved grading and utilities plan. <br />McAllister made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to amend special condition #21 <br />for the plat of Birch Tree Fonds 2nd Addition, adding the following <br />language: "for all lots east of Freeland Avenue". <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO SPREAD CONTAMINATED SOIL <br />Mr. Joseph B. Rademacher of Pump and Meter Service, Inc., Hopkins, MN., <br />has made application to the City of Hugo for approval of a <br />corrective -action plan for disposal of petroleum -contaminated soils. The <br />contaminated soils came from a Super America gas station located in <br />Stillwater, MN. It is the applicant's intent to spread approximately 565 <br />yards of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil over a 1 1/2 acre area <br />located in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 27, T1N, R21W, Hugo, MN. <br />The property in question is owned by Mr. Dean Stedt of 7416 132nd Street, <br />Hugo, MN. In our discussions with Mr. Dave Shear of MPCA, he indicated <br />the importance of identifying the precise location of the spread area, and <br />indicated he had some questions regarding the soil conditions in the area <br />proposed. Note on pages 21 and 22 of the application, the maps <br />identifying the spread site indicate two different locations. On page 18 <br />of the application, which deals with site and soil characteristics, the <br />applicant indicates that the distance to surface water is 500'. It should <br />be noted that Branch 2 of Judicial Ditch 2, in the Rice Creed.-: Watershed <br />System, runs through the site in question, and is extremely close to the <br />spread site, as identified on page 21 of the application. The applicants <br />listed the distance to the nearest building or residence from the spread <br />site to be 1,500'. Based on the maps provided, it would appear that the <br />spread site is several hundred feet from the nearest building. The <br />applicant has indicated that the depth to the seasonal high water table is <br />40'. Our records of soil tests on high ground adjacent to the site in <br />question indicate the a seasonal high water table is 2' to 6' from the <br />surface. In reviewing the report on page 19, it would appear that the <br />soil is contaminated with unleaded gas and diesel fuel. Traces of gas, <br />fuel oil, benzyne, ethyl benzyne, xylene, and lead were detected in the <br />soil samples. Based on the site plan provided on page 20, the application <br />site is approximately 750' north of 132nd Street, and 2,200' west of <br />Homestead Avenue. Mr. Rademacher addressed the Council, and stated that <br />attempts were made to locate a spread -site in Stillwater, but it was not <br />feasible. <br />Stolt man made motion, Miron seconded, that a Special Use Permit would be <br />required before the Pump and Meter Service, Inc., could spread <br />contaminated soils in the City, and the matter then be referred to the <br />Hugo Planning Commission for the required public hearing, pending receipt <br />of the appropriate application. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />