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1991.05.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.05.06 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meetinq of May 6. 1991 <br />PagL 9 <br />MISCELLANEOU <br />Councilman Miron would lige to add the following matter to the May 0' <br />1991 agenda: develop a policy whereby local organizations can have first <br />option to the charitable gambling licenses issued in the City. <br />Councilman Jesinski presented the following Introduction to Resolution <br />1991-6: <br />In January, 1991, the City Council, City staff, and consultants met in an <br />effort to open lines of communication and establish a better understanding <br />of the role of each party in the operation of City government. At that <br />time, each member of the City Council indicated their support for the <br />staff and City consultants, and stated an interest in working with them <br />closely during the upcoming year. In early February, the City Council <br />received copies of the 1990 Performance Evaluation for the City <br />Adm.i.nistrator, as prepared by the City Council. At the time of the City <br />Administrator's employment with the City, the Council assured the <br />Administrator that six months prior to contract expiration, he would be <br />notified as to the Council's intent to renew or not renew said contract. <br />To date, the City Administrator has not been provided with said notice. <br />Councilman Miron indicated he had not seen the contract, and was reluctant <br />to vote on something he had never seen. He also questioned the si:c-month <br />notice provision referred to in the resolution. Mayor Stoltzman and <br />Councilman Brunotte stated that considering the contract changes noted in <br />the resolution, they had no problem with extendinq the contract. <br />Councilman JesinsE:i stated that he had an opportunity to visit with each <br />member of the City Council regarding this issue, and as a result of his <br />discussions, introduced the following motion: <br />Jesi.nsk.i made motion, McAllister seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1991-6, <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIX-MONTH EXTENSION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br />EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte, Jesinsk.i, McAllister, Stolzman <br />VOTING NAY: Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />Mir -on made motion, Jesins4::i seconded, to adjourn at 10:00 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />htary A Creager, Cit Jerk <br />
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