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City Council meetinq of June 1991 <br />Page <br />3. There appears to be an attempt by certain City officials to jeopardize <br />the City's position with regard to the law suit filed against it by <br />Mr. Schumann. It also appears that this effort is intentional and <br />without regard to the potential financial impact on the City and its <br />taxpayers. <br />Councilman Jesinski abstained from voting based on the advice of the <br />attorney for the City's insurance company that the City not deal with this <br />matter without said attorney present. <br />MINOR SUEDIVISION (W. ERICKSON) <br />At the May ?U, 1991 regular meeting of the Hugo City Council, action was <br />taken approving the preliminary survey of Mr. Walt Eric4::son for a 33 acre <br />tract of land generally described as that part of NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of <br />Section 7, T31N, R21W, Washington County, MN, lying southerly, easterly, <br />and southeasterly of the north 440' of the west 1,000' thereof. <br />Preliminary approval was granted subject to complying with the special <br />conditions listed at that time. Mr. Erickson has stated that the property <br />is now surveyed, properly staged, and his survey is signed by a registered <br />land surveyor. The appropriate easements were provided, as required, and <br />all conditions of preliminary survey approval will be met. <br />McAllister made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the final <br />certificate of survey ##6-3-91, and waiver of the formal platting <br />requirements, for Walter Erickson to subdivide a 33 acre tract of land <br />into .3 lots, generally described as that part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 <br />of Section 7, T.31N, R 1W, into three lots. Final approval is subject to <br />the following special conditions: <br />1. The City's individual on-site sewaqe ordinance be complied with fully <br />with regard to the installation of mound septic systems on Parcels B <br />and C. <br />2. Final survey approval shall be contingent upon compliance with the <br />survey conditions, as well as the grading and stormwater drainage <br />plans. <br />3. All conditions of final survey approval must be met prior to the <br />stamping of any deeds for recording by the city clerk unless otherwise <br />permitted by council action. <br />4. The property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to <br />assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed if <br />required by the building inspector. All lots must be properly staffed <br />when surveyed. <br />5. Proposed driveways or drainage areas within the development must <br />include installation of a minimum 15" diameter corruq_ated metal <br />culvert in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />6. No building permits shall be issued until the final survey has been <br />approved and recorded with Washington County. <br />7. The securing of the required permits from the Rice Creek: Watershed <br />District prior to final survey approval. <br />B. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />includinq the cost of recording documents with Washinqton County. <br />9. Percolation tests for each buildable site must be submitted to the <br />city prior to final survey approval. <br />