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City Council meeting of June .Y, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />10. Payment of $15(?.00, in lieu of parkland dedication, shall be made to <br />the City at the time of final survey approval. <br />11. The lowest floor elevation of any structure in this subdivision shall <br />be 2' above the 100 year high water mark, and 4' above the highest <br />ground water elevation, whichever is greater. <br />12. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in the <br />identified drainage areas without the express written authorization of <br />the City and the appropriate watershed districts. <br />13. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of drainage <br />areas within easements on their property. <br />14. Developer shall comply with all requirements and restrictions <br />applicable to identified wetlands. <br />15. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with the special conditions. <br />16. Legal descriptions of all parcels to be subdivided shall be included. <br />17. All wetlands and drainage easements shall be shown on the certificate <br />Of survey. <br />18. The area described as the private ditch be redesignated as an <br />easement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GARAGE VARIANCE REQUEST (L. MUELLERLEIE) <br />On behalf of Sharon and Larry Muellerleie, keystone Builders Corp., has <br />made application to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 24' x <br />34' attached garage in an RR2 zoning district. The applicants have <br />indicated the garage will be for personal storage only, and no commercial <br />activity will be allowed. The request in question is consistent with City <br />Council policy regarding the issuance of variances for oversized garages <br />in residential districts. The property is described as Lot 1, Block 2, <br />Dellwood Ridge (aka 7175 15th Street North). <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, to <br />Larry Muellerleie to construct a 24' x 34' <br />Street North (aka Lot 1, Block 2, Dellwood <br />used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (G. FENTON) <br />approve the variance request of <br />attached garage at 7175 125th <br />Ridge). The garage is to be <br />Mr. Greg Fenton of 12292 Ivan Ave. No. has made application to the City of <br />Hugo for a variance to construct a 24' X ._,i►' accessory building on his <br />property in front of the principal residence and 58' from the front <br />property line. City ordinances restrict accessory strur_tures from being <br />located in front of the principal residence. The property in question is <br />zoned RR2 and consists of approximately 5 acres. The City has typically <br />granted variances of this nature if the structure has been located at <br />least 100' from the front property line. The Board of Zoninq Adjustments <br />reviewed this request at their May 22, 1991 meeting, at which time said <br />Board agreed that no construction should have begun prior to the issuance <br />of the permit, and recommended the charging of a double permit fee. The <br />