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City Council meeting of June 1991 <br />Page 5 <br />Board of Zoning_ Adjustments indicated that their visit to the site <br />indicated that the proposed location was appropriate because of the <br />topography of the site, and the mature trees that would have to be removed <br />to locate the building elsewhere. Said Board recommended approval of the <br />variance, as requested. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Greg Fenton to construct a 24' x 30' accessory building on his property <br />located at 12292 Ivan Avenue North, in front of the principal residence <br />and 58' from the front property line. Double permit fee is to be charged, <br />as required by City Ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (T. BROWN) <br />Mr. Thomas R. Brown of 16614 Fenway Ave. North, has made application to <br />the City of Hugo for a Special Use Permit to construct a 5,670 sq. ft. <br />accessory building in an agricultural zoning district. The Maximum square <br />footage permitted by ordinance is 3,600 sq. ft. The site in question <br />consists of 10 acres and is located on Fenway Ave, north of 165th St. The <br />54' X 105' structure in question would be located 200' from Fenway Ave. <br />and 50' from the north property line. Mr. Brown has stated that the pole <br />barn would be used for his personal use to accommodate the storage of <br />cars, snowmobiles, trailers, an old tractor, and combines. He has also <br />indicated that he might store livestock in the buildinq in the future. <br />The old horse barn and metal shed on the property is to be removed prior <br />to erection of the new building. The applicant has assured the City that <br />the new building will not be used for any type of commercial purpose. <br />This matter was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their meeting of <br />May 22, 1991, at which time they recommended approval of the SUP subject <br />to special conditions. <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the request of Thomas <br />R. Brown for a SUP to construct a 5,670 square foot accessory building on <br />his property located at 16614 Fenway Avenue. The structure is to be used <br />for Mr. Brown's personal use to accommodate the storage of cars, <br />snowmobiles, trailers, an old tractor, and combines. Approval is subject <br />to the following special conditions: <br />1. No commercial use of any accessory structures on site will be <br />permitted. <br />2. No part of the accessory structure be permitted in the flood plain. <br />3. THE size of the structure shall not exceed the square footage <br />requested in the application. <br />4. The structure not be permitted in <br />5. The old horse barn and metal shed <br />removed prior to construction of <br />6. The required buildinq permits be <br />proposed building. <br />any drainage easements on site. <br />identified on the site plan shall be <br />the newly proposed building. <br />secured prior to construction of the <br />7. Said building must meet all structural standards for accessory <br />buildings accommodating the uses proposed. <br />