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City Council meeting of June 17, 1991 <br />Page <br />was present to explain the Neighborhood Watch Program, encouraging Hugo <br />residents to participate. It was suggested that an explanation of the <br />program be included in the local church bulletins, and the City's <br />Newsletter, some time in the future. <br />ACCEPTANCE OF 1990 MUNICIPAL AUDIT <br />Copies of the 1990 Municipal Audit and Management Letter were presented to <br />the City Council on June 3, 1991. Mr. Ken Malloy was present to mage a <br />brief presentation and answer any questions the Council may have regarding <br />the audit. Mr. Malloy stated that the City has a very healthy financial <br />situation, and Mayor Stolt man and Councilmen $runotte, Jesinski, and <br />McAllister thanked the City staff for their work. <br />Brunotte made motion, Jesinski seconded, that the City of Hugo accept the <br />1990 municipal audit, as presented by Malloy, Karnowski & Co. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LAKE AIR ESTATES (STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT) <br />At the June 3, 1991 reqular meeting of the Hugo City Council, action was <br />taken directing the City Engineer to review the stormwater drainage system <br />for Lat%e Air Estates Subdivision Plat. An open ditch drainage system was <br />designed to serve this subdivision development, and questions have been <br />raised regarding its design. An inspection of the system was performed by <br />the City Engineer and a copy of their report is on file. One should keep <br />in mind when reviewing this report, that there are a number of factors <br />that can alter the effectiveness of an open ditch drainage system: <br />1. Ground saturation. <br />ti. High water table. <br />3. Rainfalls causing 100 -year flood elevations. <br />4. Improper drainage maintenance. <br />S. Placing of obstructions in easements <br />b. Water levels in holding ponds and drainage ditches downstream. <br />7. The rate that the watershed district will allow water to run into the <br />downstream ditches. <br />B. The altering of vegetation and ground elevations adjacent to drainage <br />ditches. <br />Mr. K:uusisto's report indicates that there were blockages discovered <br />downstream from the pond outlet serving Lake Air Estates. Mr. k*.uLlSiSto <br />was present to review his report in detail with the City Council. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, that the following action be <br />taken, under the direction of the City Administrator and City Engineer, to <br />help remedy the drainage problems in Lake Air Estates: <br />1. Remedy the 128th Street ponding problem. <br />?. Include in letter to property owners along north/south drainage <br />ditches asking that they attempt to establish grass cover on ditch <br />slopes. <br />