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City Council meeting of June 17, 1991 <br />Rage _ <br />Notify Mr. Raul HLisniE:: that if he decides to di4::e or berm his back: <br />yard adjacent to drainage ditch, to draw up a plan for Council review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE REPORT <br />In response to a citizens' petition, the City Council directed the <br />preparation of a report explaining the method of animal control used in <br />the City of Hugo. Councilman Miron stated that the City should make no <br />changes, and continue with the existing animal -control program. <br />McAllister questioned whether the City has ordinances in place, at <br />present, to deal with animal complaints. Administrator Huber explained <br />that the City does, in fact, have ordinances to deal with animal <br />complaints; however, because of the lack of personnel, it is difficult to <br />respond to in a timely manner. Mayor Stolt man will contact the owners of <br />the dog that allegedly attacked the signer of the letter of complaint. It <br />was the consensus of the Council that they continue enforcement of <br />existing animal control ordinances at this time. <br />FIRE FIGHTER APPOINTMENTS <br />The Fire Chief and City Administrator have completed interviews with five <br />candidates for positions with the City's Volunteer Fire Department. Each <br />of the applicants has been attending drills and fire calls for at least <br />five weeks as an introduction to the department. All have indicated a <br />strong interest in serving with the department on a regular basis. All <br />appointments are subject to completion of the required probationary period <br />and passing the mandatory physical. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to make the following appointments <br />to the City's Volunteer Fire Department, effective June 17, 1991, and <br />subject to completion of the required probationary period, and passing the <br />mandatory physical: Terry LaValle, Douglas Tipp, John Lindberg, Ardean <br />Bratland, and William Buystedt. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE FIGHTER RESIGNATION <br />The Council received a copy of a letter from Mr. Scott Peiffer resigning <br />his position with the Fire Department, and explaining his reasons for this <br />decision. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte, to accept the resignation of Scott Peiffer <br />from the Hugo Fire Department, effective June 17, 1991. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ( S1"ANEk.:_VS . HUGO ) <br />The Council received a copy of a letter from the City's Attorney regarding <br />recent negotiations dealing with litigation between Mr. Joe StaneF:: and the <br />City of Hugo. This is an issue that has involved the City of Hugo since <br />the mid -1970's and is a dispute between the City, Joe Stanek, Mr. Stanek's <br />