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City Council meeting of June 17, 1991 <br />Page 4 <br />neighbors, and Northern States Power. It involves a questionable <br />right-of-way and parcel of land owned by Mr. Stanek:, which may or may not <br />be landlocked. It is my understanding that this matter is ready to go to <br />court and that the parties involved may have reached a settlement that <br />will provide Mr. Stanek access to his property via private easements. As <br />a part of a Settlement Agreement with Northern States Power dating back: to <br />1984, the City was paid approximately $7,000 to cover its out-of-pocF::et <br />expenses and help resolve this matter. Approximately $1,600 of that <br />payment remains, and it was the City's intent to use that money to share <br />in the Settlement Agreement. <br />McAllister made motion, Stolt man seconded, that the City of Hugo enter <br />into the Settle Agreement, as recommended by the City Attorney and the <br />City's insurance company, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized <br />to sign proposed Settlement Agreement, if successfully negotiated. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AMENDED SPECIAL USE PERMIT (DAN SANTANNI) <br />Mayor Stolt man has requested that the Amended Special Use Permit approved <br />for Dan Santanni in December of 1989, be reconsidered by the City Council. <br />Mr. Dan Santanni of 1019 W. Sherren St., Roseville, Minnesota, made <br />application to the City of Hugo for a Special Use Permit to construct a <br />40' X 54' pole barn in an agricultural zoning district, prior to the <br />construction of a principal residence. This action by the City Council to <br />approve the Special Use Permit was contrary to the Planning Commission's <br />unanimous recommendation for denial. The Planning Commission's reason for <br />denial was Mr. Santanni's refusal to provide a site plan and other <br />information necessary for the proper review of his request. Following <br />approval of the Special Use Permit by the City Council, Mr. Santanni <br />refused to accept the conditions of the permit and in November applied for <br />an Amended Special Use Permit requesting a larger building and asking the <br />council to drop some of the special conditions. The Amended Special Use <br />Permit request was referred to the Hugo Planning Commission for a public <br />hearing at their November 21, 1989 meeting. At this meeting the Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the 50' X 81' accessory storage <br />building, as well as amendments to the special conditions. The Planning <br />Commission recommended deletion of the first condition and changed the <br />language in items 5, 6, and 7. This matter was then reviewed by the City <br />Council on December 4, 1989 at which time action was taken by the City <br />Council approving the SUP request of Mr. Dan Santanni as recommended by <br />the Planning Commission. Following Council approval, Mr. Santanni refused <br />to accept the conditions of permit approval and has not pursued <br />construction of the structure in question. Mr. Santanni appeared before <br />the Council, and stated that he knew he needed a SUP, but did not feel <br />there should be any conditions attached to it. Councilman Miron felt that <br />Mr. Santanni had been "misled", and proceeded to interpret different <br />sections of the codes that he felt proved Mr. Santanni did not need a <br />SUP. It was Miron's opinion that the Mr. Santanni was operating a farm, <br />and needed only site plan approval. Councilman Jesinsk-i felt that the <br />issue had become very confusing, and suggested that the matter be tabled <br />for further consideration. <br />