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City Council meeting of August 19, 199.1. <br />Page 2 <br />POOL BUILDING INSPECTION (d UDD JACKSON <br />As per City Council direction, the Building Inspector, the State Fire <br />Marshal, the City Fire Marshal, the County Health Department, and the <br />State Electrical Inspector conducted inspections of the Omni Fool building <br />at 5118 130th Street, Hugo, MN. Copies of these reports were provided to <br />the Council for review. In light of the number of violations cited in the <br />information, Council direction on the City's next course of action would <br />be appropriate. This matter was tabled from the August 5, 1991 regular <br />meeting of the Hugo City Council. <br />Stolt man made motion, McAllister seconded, that. Mr. Jackson be notified <br />that the following violations be corrected within 90 days, or the time <br />specified. At the end of the time period for making the corrections, the <br />City's Building Inspector will perform, the necessary follow-up <br />inspections, and report his findings to the Ordinance Violations <br />Committee: <br />1.. Remodeling of the building without securing the required building <br />permits. <br />i'. The one hour fire rated construction has not been completed. <br />3. There is a gas line that does not meet the requirements of Section= <br />2208 and 213-F of the 1988 Uniform Mechanical Code. <br />4. Restroom facilities do not have mechanical ventilation, as required it <br />Section 905-D of the 1988 Uniform Building Code. <br />5. Building owner has not applied for the required Special Use Permit to <br />operate a welding shop in an industrial zone, as per Chapter 520-4, <br />Subd . L. <br />6. No plans were submitted to the Building Department to verify that the <br />walls installed as a result of remodeling in both bays are in <br />compliance with City codes. <br />1. In bay C, the three doors into the office area do not meet the <br />requirement of a 20 minute fire rating with self -closers. <br />8. The stairs leading to the mezzanine does not have 5/8" type :X <br />sheetrock applied underneath, as required. <br />9. Approved fire extinguishers have not been placed in the shop area. <br />10. A hazardous waste generator- license has not been secured from <br />Washington County, as required. <br />1.1. Over -head lights have not been wired to meet electrical code <br />requirements. <br />12. Electrical outlets must be installed to properly service all <br />appliances without the use of e?:tension cords. <br />13. All occupancy separation walls must be constructed to provide a one <br />hour fire rating from floor to ceiling. <br />14. Some of the electrical wiring on-site does not meet requirements of <br />the State Electrical Code. <br />All Gaye. Motion Carried. <br />C: I TY HALL_ PF RIK I NG <br />Councilman Brunotte has requested that the Cit: Council consider and <br />discuss the need to provide for designated parking around City Hall. <br />