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City Council meeting of August 19, 1991 <br />Page _ <br />Currently, there is a great deal of traffic and pedestrian congestion <br />around the City Hall facility during the summer months, particularly, when <br />there are public meetings taking place the same time as Fire Department <br />drills and athletic activities in the park. This matter was tabled from <br />the August 5, 1991 regular meeting of the City Council. It was suggested <br />that the ballfield parking be appropriately marked, and that ball players <br />be asked, through the White Dear Recreation Department, to park: in the <br />appropriate areas. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (QUADE) <br />Dave and Joyce Quade of 1.x:9'6 Isleton Avenue North have made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct a 56' pole barn <br />between the principal residence and Isleton Avenue North. The building in <br />question will be located 20' off Isleton Avenue. The justification for <br />this variance request has been provided by Mr. Cluade in his narrative <br />letter dated August 81 1991. The property in question is zoned <br />agriculture, and consists of approximately 18 acres. The proposed use of <br />the structure is for personal storage and small animals. The building in <br />questions is not to be used for commercial or industrial purposes. <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to!approve the variance request of <br />David Quade, 13936 Isleton Avenue, to construct a 22' x 56' pole barn <br />between the principal residence and the road. The proposed building shall <br />not be used for commercial or industrial purposes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WHITE' BEAR CUMtiUN IT Y :,WNSEL. INS i PAYME NT REGIUgST ) <br />White Bear Community Counseling Center has a formal request that the City <br />of Hugo remit payment for services provided, in the amount $8,710.00, at <br />this time. Although this is a budgeted item for the 1991 fiscal year, the <br />City Council felt that they wanted to wait until the 1st part of September <br />to see if the City Mould be receiving the revenues originally projected <br />for this fiscal year. At a minimum, Ms. Williams is requesting a partial <br />payment for services provided through August 30, 1991, in the amount of <br />$5,809.00. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, that the City make payment of <br />$81713.00, to White Dear Community Counseling, for the 1991 contract. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />McAllister made motion, Miron seconded, that the Cit: make payment of <br />$2,760.000 to the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau, for the 1991 contract. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRQ. O_ E.D MUTL,1AL AID � F I FTE SEF_'•_' C GE r C F:E EM N l- <br />Miron made motion, McAllister seconded, to table this matter until the <br />City Council meeting of September .S, 1991. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />