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-M 1 r*i�.-LEi' .::;...f -Pi -.. r ±E ..__�::. 41 7' ..._c:ciii14.1 B, <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stoltzman at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Jesinski, Mir -'on, Stoltzman <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />Finance Director, Tion Otkin <br />City Clerk, Mary Finn Creager <br />Mi_ron made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, to approve the minutes for the <br />regular City Council meeting of November 4, 1991, as submitted. <br />All aye. !Motion Carried. <br />JesinFk:i made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the claims for - <br />November 1.9, 1991, in the amount of $45,5:8.09. <br />All a -e. Motion Carried. <br />TRUTH IN TAXATION <br />.f..AXATIC.IN HEARING <br />Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the Hugo City Council has scheduled its <br />mandatory truth -in -taxation hearing, prior to budget approval., on November <br />1.9, 1991, at ?:OOPM in the City Hall Council chambers. The:: appropriate <br />legal notices were published in the paper, and other statutory <br />requirements have been islet. City Administrator- Huber- reviewed the 1992 <br />general fund budget and tax levy proposals, and further explained the <br />actual percentage of tax increase paid by residents to City of Hugo. The <br />Council proceeded to balance expenditures with; anticipated 1.992 revenues <br />by reducing the following item -line budgets: ambulance service, brush <br />- <br />- <br />e„l_It'i=a.l'ig, ��-tr�•:: maintenance, water management study, roads,r��('it.i 1:atr' <br />materials. A number of residents addresses +..'.h;e Council. with "general" <br />questions ions regarding the proposed budget. <br />1.99: ` BUDG T Rr :rtL:il. UIT 1 OA <br />The Council reviewed the budget resolution. The proposed resolution will <br />reflect: adjustments in the expenditure budget to balance the budget with <br />projected revenues. The revenue budget: submitted, and recommended by the <br />Cit`' staff, was $935,661. <br />Mir -on tirade motion, Barnes seconded, tcadoptRESOLUTION 19'1-21, <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING THE. GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE 1992 FISCAL ''r`C= AR , IN <br />THE AMOUNT OF $935,661.00. <br />VOTING .vFw Barnes, Brunotte, i..E?7=>1nsF: .a.:, M1r_un, <br />Motion Carr Zed . <br />1191-92 T 1'i :'' i.... V Y F E `moi C.1 L U'T l: (:::t N <br />The Council reviewed the prC:ipC?95Ei'rld r':.:solut::1.f:::n i::iC:pr'oi,%.:;.ng the .3.'-"91 tax l.E"':r`. <br />992 T t.utal tax lt�w•t subject state .. .t_. : . <br />collectible 1(i .. '7 :. _ . The t-> . t i �r.. �... t. i.:. ti ' _� �1':.:... i»r levy ' :.�. s; i '.. .. <C� :...t. t:: i_7 <br />is $749,015.00, and special levies to -:ci+.'er_ debt service are in the aiitol.nt:. <br />of $1.63,836. Tt-;t:al.,'••: 1e<, pr.t'.?F:iosiud 1.=:. 191.::'„851„ i•Jhl.i_ii 1'-> i.t--J <br />approximately 10% from the 1992 %.a:: levy of $B29,870. There sclr"F:i' t:b•Jo b<?::.-::` i::: <br />