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1991.12.02 CC Mintues
City Council
City Council Minutes
1991 CC Minutes
1991.12.02 CC Mintues
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City Council meeting of December 2, 1991 <br />Page 2 <br />Sto]tzman made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the Contract for Law <br />Enforcement Services for the 1991 calendar year between the City of Hugo <br />and the Washington County Sheriff's Office, and authorize the Mayor to <br />sign said Contract on behalf of the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RICE LAKE PARK BLDG.) <br />Mayor Stoltzman has requested that the Council consider asking for <br />proposals to look into the remodeling of the Rice Lake Park building to <br />serve as a City Hall facility. He has indicated he would like the study <br />of this matter to take place this winter so that a possible move from the <br />existing City Hall to a new facility could be accommodated some time in <br />1992. In light n+ +hp f+ +h=+ thn rm/nril hp= ==+=h`i=hed the uonradino <br />of City Hall and fire-fighter facilities as a top priority for the City, <br />it would seem appropriate to proceed with the necessary studies to <br />determine financial feasibility for converting the Rice Lake Park building <br />to a City Hall. Earlier this year, the staff had noted that the City <br />could come up with approximately $100,000 in financial reserves to remodel <br />the building in question as a City Hall facility' Mayor 3001 1700r, <br />requested the members of the Council visit ,the site, and building in <br />question, so that they would be better prepared to discuss the merits of <br />this proposal. If the City Council would like to proceed and investigate <br />the feasibility of this project this winter, the City staff suggests <br />authorization to advertise for a Request for Proposal from architects or <br />engineers. Consideration should be given to both evaluating the future <br />needs of the City, and development of a plan to remodel the building. The <br />Council discussed the "pros and cons" of relocating City Hall to the Rice <br />Lake Park building. It was the consensus of the Council that there was a <br />definite need to enlarge the City Hall facility, and Councilmember Barnes <br />encouraged the Council to look at the "whole site" for future use, not <br />just the remodeling of the building' <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing City staff to proceed with <br />the advertising for a Request for Proposal to evaluate costs involved with <br />remodeling of the Rice Lake Park building to serve as a Cit/ Ha1l <br />facility. <br />Ail aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION (GRUETT) <br />Arnie and Elvira Gruett of 12433 Ingersoll Ave. No., have made application <br />to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision and waiver of the formal <br />platting requirements. The property in question is described as: That <br />part of Gov't Lot 3, Section35, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, <br />lying northerly of the center line of County State Aid Highway No. 7. Ths <br />property consists of 12.89 acres and is currently zoned RR2. It is Mr. <br />Gruett's intent tc subdivide the parcel into two lots, one consisting of <br />approximately 7.89 acres and one of 5 acres. The required permit from <br />Rice Creek Watershed District has been secured. The soil tests submitted <br />have been reviewed by the Washington County Public Health Dept', and they <br />have indicated that the site is suitable for the installation of an <br />individual sewage treatment system, pursuant to City code. The Planning <br />
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