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City Council meeting of February 20, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />1. The City Council received a letter from suspended firefighter, Tom <br />Bernier, asking that his suspension be given further consideration. <br />This matter was referred to the staff for review and a recommendation. <br />2. Mayor Atkinson read an OPEN LETTER TO THE RESIDENTS OF HU8O addressing <br />the "cartoons" being distributed in one of the local newspapers. All <br />City Council members signed the letter in support of the City staff. <br />Mayor Atkinson opened the floor for general comments from the <br />audience. A member of the audience addressed the Council and inquired <br />as to the credentials of the City Administrator as well as his <br />previous places of employment. Joyce Seever addressed the Council and <br />said that the entire City of Hugo was in the flood plain. Mr. Wally <br />Stoltzman addressed the Council and stated that he had been treated <br />rudely by the City Administrator when he came into his office to <br />discuss something with him. After the City Administrator denied ever <br />having met Mr. Stoltzman or ever having talked to him, Mr. Stoltzman <br />admitted he heard from his neighbor that Mr' Huber had said something <br />bad about him. Mr. David Schumann addressed the Council and wanted to <br />know why no one on the City Council would sit down and discuss the <br />charges against him regarding the business he is operating on his <br />property. Mayor Atkinson stated that both he and other members of the <br />Council have discussed this matter at length with Mr' Schumann on a <br />private basis, but stated that this matter is in court, and that the <br />numerous criminal charges against Mr. Schumann prevented the Council <br />from discussing this in any kind of open forum. Mrs. Joyce Seever <br />asked the City Council where the City Administrator had worked after <br />he left the City of St' Peter. Mrs. Carol Schumann addressed the <br />Council and stated that no one on the Council would talk to her <br />regarding the problems on her property. Various members of the <br />Council denied those accusations and stated that lengthy conversations <br />were held with Mrs. Schumann which she later acknowledged. Mr. David <br />Schumann inquired as to whether or not the City was going to pass an <br />ordinance legalizing various businesses that have been established out <br />in the agricultural/residential areas of the community. Mayor <br />Atkinson stated that he was not aware of any ordinance proposed that <br />would affect such a change. Councilman McAllister reiterated support <br />of the City staff, and stated that the City has always treated <br />citizens fairly and politely at City Hall, although there are some <br />exceptions when people are extremely angry and uncontrollable which <br />causes some difficulty for the staff. He stated that very few changes <br />have been made in the ordinances over the years, and ordinances that <br />are currently under fire by members in the audience, were ordinances <br />drafted in 1974 by some of the very people who don't like these <br />ordinances today. The ordinances in question are enforced on a <br />complaint -basis and at the direction of the City Council. Mr. <br />McAllister stated that any one who wants to sit down and discuss <br />matters of importance with him, he would by most happy to do so at <br />reasonable times at either his home or City Hall, but would prefer the <br />news media be present to assure compliance with the open meeting law. <br />Mr. McAllister guaranteed the people in the audience of their right to <br />