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1990.02.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.02.20 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of February 20, 1990 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Benson, be increased by $100.00 per month effective 2/25/90. This <br />increase reflects a 4.3% increase over Mr. Benson's 1989 base salary' <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-6, <br />RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF SALARY <br />FOR CITY CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER' <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />SERVICE LINE REPAIR REQUEST (G. HAMMOND) <br />Ms. Gayle Hammond (RJ's Restaurant and Motel) requested an opportunity to <br />appear before the City Council to request financial assistance in the City <br />repair of a service line serving the motel on her property. In November <br />of 1989, a water -line break was discovered on the property in question in <br />the approximate vicinity of the pay -telephone booth in front of the motel <br />just off Highway 61. Following an inspection by the City's Water <br />Superintendent, Ms. Hammond contacted Parenteau Excavating to repair the <br />break in question. The City's ordinance states that service lines from <br />the curb line of the road to the buildings being served by the service <br />line are the responsibility of the property owner. In this particular <br />case, there appeared to have been two water shutoffs that were repaired or <br />replaced as a result of damage incurred when the area around the <br />pay -telephone booth was plowed for snow removal. Ms. Hammond has <br />indicated that it is her opinion that the State Highway Department or <br />Washington County plowed out the area adjacent to the public telephone and <br />caused the damage in question. Although she indicated she could not prove <br />this, she was sure that damage was not done by those who plow her parking <br />lot area. She indicated in an earlier conversation that because the pay <br />telephone serves the general public, and plowing of the area in question <br />was to better accommodate the public, she didn't feel that she should have <br />to bear the entire cost of this repair even though the ordinance indicates <br />it is her responsibility' The total bill received from Parenteau <br />Excavating was $720.00 for the work in question. Had the work been done <br />by the City through our contractor, the estimated cost of this same work <br />would have been approximately $492.00. Because of the unusual <br />circumstances in this case, Ms. Hammond has requested that the Council <br />consider payment of all or a portion of the cost in question. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, that the City of Hugo authorize the <br />payment of $492.00 to Ms. Gayle Hammond, to reimburse her for payment made <br />to Parenteau Excavating for repair of a service line serving the motel on <br />her property located at 13963 Forest Blvd, North. The bill to Parenteau <br />Excavating must be satisfied before reimbursement is made to Ms. Hammond. <br />The City shall have no further responsibility for this service line as <br />reconstructed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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