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City Council meeting of March 19, 1990 <br />Wage 4 <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, that the City Attorney review <br />the resolution authorizing feasibility for Elmcrest Avenue and Letter of <br />Intent for Elmcrest Avenue with City staff. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FLANS AND SPECS <br />The Washington County Engineering Department has advised the City Engineer <br />that there are currently grant funds available for bridge replacement in <br />Washington County. For years, the City has looked at the replacement of <br />the Elmcrest Avenue bridge because of its reported failing condition. The <br />bridge is located over Hardwood Creek: between 165th Street and 170th <br />Street. If the City is to apply for these grant funds, which may be <br />available on a first-come, first -serve basis, the City is required to <br />prepare plans and specifications to be submitted with the application. <br />Total estimated cost of the bridge replacement is $e0,000 of which <br />approximately $18,000 is for engineering. The City staff is recommending <br />that the City proceed with this project and submittal of the grant <br />application with the understanding that the City of Lino Lakes will be <br />participating in a joint effort with the City of Hugo to replace this <br />bridge. <br />Olson made motion, McAllister seconded, that the City of Hugo authorizes <br />the preparation of plans and specifications, to be submitted along with <br />the grant application, for the replacement of the Elmcrest Avenue bridge <br />located over Hardwood Creek between 165th Street and 170th Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1990 SEALCOAT PROGRAM <br />Following an inspection of City streets by Charles Shalander and Mr. Tom <br />Fast, a list was prepared representing the streets determined to be in <br />need of patching and sealcoating in 1990. It is the intent of the City to <br />have the sealcoating done in conjunction with Washington County's <br />sealcoatinq program for the upcoming season. The City has budgeted <br />approximately $20,000 for sealcoating and $5,000 for street patching. The <br />City staff is recommending approval of the sealcoating program as <br />submitted, and request authorization to include this in the sealcoatinq <br />contract with Washington County. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, approving the sealcoating <br />program as submitted by Charles Shalander and Tom Fast, for inclusion in <br />the sealcoating contract with Washington County. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WHITE NEAR ROD & GUN CLUB <br />rat 8:56 PM, the CitY Council went into e;ecutive session to discuss <br />pendirig litigation with the WBR GC. Mayor Atkinson and Councilmen <br />