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Cita; Council meeting of May 21, 1990 <br />Page <br />SET SPECIAL COUN I L._ MEETING DATE <br />The City's financial consultants are recommending that the City Council. <br />set a special meeting date for Wednesday, June 6, 1990 at 6:00 PM to <br />approve and execute the necessary documents for the sale of bonds relating <br />to the Rice Lake Park: acquisition. The Washington County HRA will be <br />taking the necessary steps to approve the required documents earlier that <br />day, and it is essential that the City Council also act on this matter <br />June 6th. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to schedule a special meeting <br />for Wednesday, June 6, 1990 at 6:00 PM to approve and execute the <br />necessary documents for the sale of bonds relating to the Rice Lake Park: <br />acquisition. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ARHIP AND MANN/CITY PROSECUTOR'S LETTER <br />The City Council received a copy of the letter from the City Prosecutor <br />regarding the status of the Tara Arhip and Kevin Mann cases. The City <br />Prosecutor is recommending that they proceed with prosecution as <br />previously directed, and are inquiring as to whether or not the City would <br />like to consider adding a nuisance violation to the complaint that would <br />allow the City to go in and clean up the site in question and assess it <br />against the affected property. <br />Olson made motion, McAllister seconded, that the City Prosecutor be <br />authorized to add a public nuisance violation to the complaint against <br />Tara Arhip and Kevin Mann. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City Council emphasized that the City should have a conviction or <br />injunction prior to entering the property to have it cleaned up. <br />RICE LAKE PARE : ACQU I ST I Ot•J <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, reported that condemnation proceedings were <br />being started on May 22, 1990 for the acquisition of Rice Lake Park. The <br />City Council concurred with this action. <br />TW I , PINE MOBILE HOME PARK C I TAT I Otl <br />The City received a copy of a CITATION FOR DETERMINATION WHETHER TO <br />INITIATE LICENSE REVOCATION PROCEEDING against the Twin Pine Mobile Home <br />Park. The City Council was informed that this cit.iati_on was initiated by <br />the State of Minnesota and not the City of Hugo. <br />1 L�LYEGAL__I3UMP I NG_ REPORT !BALD EAGLE PARK) <br />The City Coc_ncil was provided pictures of an illegal dump site in the Bal(. <br />Eagle Industrial Paris. This matter is being investigated by the <br />Washington County Health Department as well as the City �.�.,-i Hugo. <br />