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Special Council meeting of June 6, 1990 <br />Page 2 <br />The City Administrator then briefed the City Council on the status of the <br />David Schumann litigation and the results of same. It was noted that in <br />one newspaper article, Mr' Schumann indicated he wanted to make peace with <br />the City and put this matter to bed. In another article, Mr' Schumann was <br />quoted as saying he was going to sue the City for violations of his civil <br />rights and try to recoup his legal fees relating to his prosecution. The <br />City Council is in agreement that if Mr. Schumann is desirous of pursuing <br />this matter further, for whatever reasons, the City should defend its <br />position and take whatever action may still be available to the City to <br />correct the problems on his site. It was the general feeling that the <br />City does not any other confrontation from Mr. Schumann, but what he does <br />at this point will dictate the City's position. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to adjourn at 6:10 PM. <br />All aye' Motion Carried. <br />Kenneth H. Huber <br />City Administrator <br />