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City Council meeting of July 2, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />located on Parcels A and B, and Mr. Donald Hauble has indicated that he <br />will be applying for a building permit to construct a residence on Parcel <br />C. All three parcels in question are to have direct access to 125th St. <br />and meet dimension requirements. The lot sizes and locations have been <br />layed out so as to accommodate the possible further subdivision of Parcels <br />A and C. The applicants have been informed that any further subdivision <br />of the site will require formal platting. The Planning Commission <br />reviewed this request at their meeting of May 22, 1990, and recommended <br />approval of the survey, and waiver of the formal platting requirements, <br />subject to special conditions. At their meeting of June 4, 1990, the City <br />Council acted to grant concept approval only for the preliminary survey <br />for Mabel, Gerald, and Donald Haubles' request for a minor subdivision, <br />and waiver of the formal platting requirements, subject to resolution of <br />the road access issues and watershed district approval. <br />Jesinski made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the final Certificate of <br />Survey #7-2-90, and waiver of the formal platting requirements, as <br />requested by Mable, Gerald, and Donald Hauble, to subdivide 46.3 acres <br />into three parcels: Parcel A consisting of 46.3 acres, Parcel B - 5 <br />acres, and Parcel C - 21.1 acres. The parcel to be divided is generally <br />described as the S 112 of the Nig} 114 of Section 32, T31N, R21W, Washington <br />County, MN. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. All conditions of the survey approval must be met prior to the <br />stamping of any deeds for recording by the City Clerk:, or issuance of. <br />building permits, unless otherwise permitted by Council action. <br />2. Property lines on site must be idea tifed by the applicants to assure; <br />proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed, if required by <br />the Building Inspector. <br />3. Proposed driveways and drainage areas in the development must include <br />installation of a minimum 15" diameter corrugated metal culverts in a <br />manner acceptable to the City. <br />4. Securing of the required permits from the RCWD is required prior to <br />final survey approval. <br />5. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicants <br />including the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />6. Percolation test must be submitted to the City prior to final survey <br />approval. <br />7. Payment of the required fee in lieu of parkland dedication shall be <br />made to the City in the amount of $175.00. <br />S. All easements for site access, drainage, utilities Trust be conveyed to <br />the City as required by the City Engineer. <br />9. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of drainage: <br />easements within their property. <br />10. The developer shall comply with all requirements and restrictions <br />applicable to identified wetlands. <br />1.1.. The developer agrees that lots abutting a cul-de-sac or termination <br />turnarounds of streets shall be provided with adequate off-street <br />parking such that the street could prohibit on-s.t.reet. parking if <br />deemed necessary for safety or maintenance purposes. <br />1.2. No significant deviations from the approved preliminary survey shall <br />be permitted unless reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to <br />Council. approval. <br />