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City Council meeting of July, 1990 <br />Page 5 <br />13. The owner shall permit access to the referenced site at reasonable: <br />times for periodic inspections by the City Code Enforcement Officer- to <br />assure conformance with the survey approval. <br />14. Any further subdivision of this property shall be by formal plat.. <br />15. The private easements shown on the survey are not to be construed as <br />acceptable access to the land parcels identified. <br />All aye, Motion Carried. <br />LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />The Washington County Sheriff's Office has submitted its police service <br />contract to the City of Hugo for the 1990/91 fiscal year. The County is <br />estimating the total cost for service during this period at $181,865.00. <br />This reflects a 5.8% increase from the 1990 actual budget of $174,985.00. <br />They are also estimating 100,000 miles on the police squad during the <br />contract period. Captain McGlothlin has assured us that the contract <br />language is the same as previous years; only salaries and the cost of <br />operation have changed. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the Law Enforcement <br />Service Agreement for the 1990/91 year, and authorizing the Mayor to sign <br />the agreement on behalf of the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF FACSIMILE <br />The City staff is requesting Council authorization to spend up to $3,000 <br />for the purchase of a facsimile machine for the City of Hugo. The City <br />has experienced an increased demand by consultants, developers, and the <br />City's engineer and attorney for the dissemination of information via <br />fax machine. because of the turnaround time required when using the U.S. <br />Post Office, often times deadlines cannot be met, and there are extensive <br />delays in processing applications and preparing City agendas. Most <br />governmental offices and pro -sessional consultants now use facsimile <br />machines extensively, and we feel the demand has now reached the point <br />where we can justify this expenditure. <br />Atkinson made motion, Jesinski seconded, authorizing the purchase of at <br />facsimile machine for the C?.t;:` of Hugo, not to exceed $3,000. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BUILDING PERMIT RE DUES TICAROL SCHUMnNN L <br />The:; City received a letter from Carol Schumann asking what steps had to be <br />taken to obtain a building permit to cap the burned building located on <br />her property. Because of the guilty verdict for the recent litigation, <br />the Council stated that no action will be taken on her request until after <br />sentencing. <br />