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City Council meeting of July .10, 199k) <br />Page <br />BUDGET C:AL.E_NDAR <br />The City Council received a copy of the proposed 1991 budget calendar, as <br />prepared by the City's Finance Director. The actual truth in taxation <br />hearings, as required by Minnesota Statutes, will be set on August 20, <br />1990. The City must certify its proposed tax levy to Washington County by <br />September 1, 1990, and the budget hearings will be held some time after <br />that date. The City staff will attempt to schedule all required and <br />optional budget meetings on the same date as Council meetings to make it <br />as convenient as possible for the City Council and public. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, reported on the status for the following <br />matters <br />1. Phase 2 of the Capital Improvements Project. <br />. NSP is proposing installation of a ib" gas main from 175th Street <br />south to White Bear Lake, within the Burlington Northern Railroad <br />right-of-way parallel to Highway 6.1.. It was suggested that City staff <br />determine whether it would be feasible to incorporate a City <br />improvement project with the gas main extension by the filling of the <br />ditch so it could be mowed and maintained. <br />3. The site plan application of Lake Country Wood Preserving has been <br />placed on hold until certain legal determinations have been made <br />regarding ownership of the property. No "unbiased" study will be <br />conducted until this legal matter has been resolved as per Mr. Bumby 's <br />request.. <br />4. Sentencing for the David Schumann prosecution has been set for the enc -z <br />of this month. <br />b. The City's 1??0 LGA has been reduced to approximately $36,000. <br />b. An inspection of the John Southward property has been made, and the:, <br />property is now in compliance with City codes. <br />7. The next utility billing should be computerized. <br />8. The proposed improvement to "City Nall pari:" was discussed. City <br />engineer, Howard Kuusi to, is In the process of refining the plan and <br />obtaining cost estimates. Councilman McAllister questioned whetter <br />the White Bear School District could participate in the cost of the <br />improvements. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to adjourn at ::45 PM. <br />All aye. Notion Carried. <br />Maryr'' �q Creager, Cit :leek <br />City of Hugo <br />