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City Council meeting of August 6, 199C! <br />Page 4 <br />17. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with this subdivision approval. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (ED WAUGH) <br />Mr. Ed Waugh has made application to the City of Hugo for a special use <br />permit to construct a superette, gas station, and car wash in an RB zoning <br />district. The site in question is located at the southeast corner of the <br />intersection of Highway 61 and County Rd. 8A and consists of approximately <br />L acres. This request is being made contingent on approval of the minor <br />subdivision approved earlier by the City Council. The building proposed <br />will be approximately 18' in height and 7,000 sq. ft. in size. The City <br />staff has requested that the developers give the City some indication of <br />the hours of operation of this business. The proposal in question appears <br />to be consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, and is permitted in <br />an RAS district by special use permit. The City Engineer has indicated <br />that the amount of water used by the car wash should not have a <br />significant effect on water pressure serving the residential homes in this <br />area. <br />McAllister Heade motion, Jail seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />application of Mr. Ed Waugh to construct a. superett.e, gas pumps, and car <br />wash at the south east corner of the intersection of Highway 61 and County <br />Road 8A. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The buried gasoline tanks on site to be installed and maintained as <br />per County Health Department and MPCA regulations. The pump island is <br />to be no lower than 932.33 mean sea level. <br />. The site be maintained on a regular basis and kept free of litter- and <br />other on site nuisances. <br />3. All advertising signs and related lighting be in compliance with City <br />regulations. <br />4. The site plan.approved be, and is, a part of this special use permit. <br />5. All refuse on site be stored in the screened area as identified on the <br />site plan. <br />6. No exterior storage shall be permitted on site. <br />7. The parking areas are to provide for short-term parking of motor <br />vehicles only. <br />S. Driveway and road access permits must be secured from the MNDOT and <br />Washington County before the building permit is issued. <br />9. All parking and drive areas shown on the site shall be of bituminous <br />surface, and shall be installed as per requirements of the city <br />engineer. <br />10. Submittal of all permits and drainage plans from the Rice Creel:: <br />Watershed District. <br />11. Handicapped facilities and parking shall be provided. <br />12. The site in question must be plowed on a regular basis in the winter <br />time. <br />10. Regular garbage and refuse service shall be pro•✓ided. <br />14. Bituminous curbing shall be installed on the north and western edges <br />of the Eite near the buried gasoline tanks to prevent any spillage of <br />gasoline into the ditch systems adjacent to the site. <br />