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City Council meeting of August 20, 199:? <br />Page 2 <br />Amend article #22 to clarify that Goodview Ave. no longer needs to be <br />maintained by the DESA. This article change would limit their <br />involvement to providing an annual application of calcium chloride on <br />125th St. No. from Goodview Ave. to the DESA property entrance. It <br />should be understood that this condition would only apply until such <br />time as 125th St. is improved with bituminous surfacing. <br />b. Article #24 be amended as follows: Four days will be designated as <br />DCM Shoot days, one day in June, one day in July, one day in August, <br />and one day in October. The current language allows for two DCM days <br />in July and two in August. <br />7. Add an article to the permit that would allow a maximum of four law <br />enforcement agencies to utilize the DESA facility and discharge fire <br />arms on approved ranges up to five times per agency/year subject to <br />compliance with article #8 of this permit. <br />Following review of City files, it would appear that the DESA is in full <br />compliance with the conditions of their current permit. The last <br />complaint received by the Washington County Sheriff's Department regarding <br />operations at this site was in 1985. The last written complaint filed <br />with the City regarding operations at this facility was in 1987, and that <br />related to an approved shooting event. <br />With regard to article #8, it should be noted that originally, the DESA <br />operated every Sunday. Sunday usage was then reduced to every other <br />Sunday, and later was reduced to the Sundays reflected in the existing <br />permit. With regard to the use of black: powder/muzzleloaders on site, it <br />should be noted that this type of firearm was permitted on site until some <br />time in the early 1980's when this right was taken from the club. <br />Apparently, a muzzleloader club had requested the use of the BESA property <br />and black: powder cannons were discharged on site. <br />It should also be noted that the BESA has made significant efforts in the <br />last several years to improve their facility and alter activities on site <br />to cut down on the amount of noise and irritants to adjacent property <br />owners. In 1988/89, the club installed a sound -entrapment shelter and <br />safety berms on the rifle range to reduce noise. The club is promoting <br />the use of the archery range,'as well as family use of the facility for <br />non -shooting events. Promotion of the use of muzzleloaders on site, as <br />opposed to repeating firearms, seems to be another step in the right <br />direction. In 1990, the club also added to its reforestation program. <br />It would appear that the only amendment proposed in this request that <br />would increase activities at the facility would involve use of <br />muzzleloaders and use of the facility by local law enforcement agencies on <br />an occasional basis. Even with this increase in activities, all <br />individuals would still have to operate pursuant to article #8 of the <br />permit. A public hearing was Held by the Hugo Planning Commission on July <br />255 1990, and the following changes were recommended: <br />:1.. Amend Article #8: The club will be open six consecutive Sunday; <br />ending with the last Sunday in October. <br />2. Article #15: No change to current permit. <br />