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City Council meeting of August 20, 199( - <br />-) <br />classified as collector streets and be included in Phase 2 of the Cityos- <br />CIF' program. If the City Council feels, that the roadways in question <br />should be classified as collector streets, and this improvement be <br />included in Phase 2 of the CIF' program, City staff recommends passage of <br />the appropriate resolution ordering a feasibility report and combining <br />this project with the other collector streets identified in the CIF' <br />program. The City Administrator reviewed the report and recommendation of <br />the City Engineer. <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1990-25 <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT FOR PHASE 2 CIF' <br />#1990-1. <br />VOTING AYE: Vail, McAllister, Olson, Jesinsk:i, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />BUDGET PRESENTATION <br />The City Council received a copy of the proposed 1991 general fund and <br />utility budgets. The total general fund budget., as reflected therein, is <br />$921,423.005 which is up 3.1% from last year's expenditure budget of <br />$393,79.3.00. It should also be pointed out that the expenditure budget <br />exceeds the revenue budget by $16,755.00. If the expenditure portion of <br />the budget is reduced to balance the budget, the total spending increase <br />in the general fund for 1991 would be 1.21%. Highlights of the budget are <br />reflected as follows <br />1. Interns in planning/zoning, as well as in administration - $12,900 <br />2. Fire truck: repairs/body work: - $14,205. <br />5. Ordinance recodi.fication - $15,000. <br />4. Road improvements/capital outlay for Elmcrest Avenue - $25,200. <br />5. Finance director hours increased from 30 hours to 40 hours per week:. <br />6. Fire Department training services - $10,270. <br />It was noted in the revenue portion of the budget that the City's local. <br />government aid has now been reduced to approximately $76,000 annually. <br />The City may want to consider the possibility of planning for the loss of <br />all LGA by 1993, when tax; .levy limits will no longer be in effect. We <br />would suggest the City Council consider a budget review session at the <br />conclusion of either its September 4th or 17th City Council meeting. A. <br />formal public hearing, prior to budget approval, will be scheduled as per <br />Truth in Taxation requirements. The proposed budget has been prepared <br />consistent with the Council's fiscal policy. The expenditure budget <br />reflects the request of all department heads without administrative <br />reductions. <br />The City Council will review the proposed 19?1 budget at their regular <br />meeting of September 17, 1990. <br />