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MINUTES ES F'OE-; l"I-I E. RE[:IULf,f; C; z'TY C.:OI.Jf`aC i' L r1f E::T 1 NCS CSF sE:F ..l_Er1k'E:F �a y_.__1:2., <br />:_ .`'i <br />The meeting was called to order- by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinsk:i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Attorney, Charles Johnson <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />Jesinsk:i made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes of the regular <br />City Council meeting of August 20, 1990 as submitted. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the claims for September 4, <br />19?0 in the amount of $25,491.35. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUESTER -SIZED GARAGE) <br />Bob and Terry Brandt have made application to the City of Hugo for a <br />variance to construct a 1,127 square foot attached garage on Lot Z, Block <br />1, Anderson Hills subdivision (aka 9110 152nd Street North). The property <br />in question is zoned agricultural., and consists of 10 acres. The garage <br />is to accommodate the parking of two motor vehicles., a boat, and other <br />items of a residential nature. No commercial activity is to be conducted <br />at this residence. The request in question is consistent with the City <br />Council's current policy regarding over -sued garages in agricultural <br />zones. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the variance request. <br />of Bob and Terry Brandt to construct a 1,127 square foot attached garage <br />on Lot 3, Block: 1, Anderson Hills (aka 9110 152nd Street North). No <br />commercial activity is to be conducted in said garage. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (SLIPKA/THIESEN/MANKE) <br />Arnold Mank:e, David Slipk:a, and Robert Thiesen have made application to <br />the City of Hugo for a variance to allow for the construction of a single <br />family dwelling in a location where the lot is only 185' in width at the <br />building setback:: line. The minimum lot width at the building setback: line <br />in an agricultural district is 100'. The structure in question {-could be <br />located approximately 400' from the road. The property in question is <br />.located south of 165th Street and west of Fenway Avenue approximately <br />1000', and is generally described as the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section <br />7, T31N, R21W, Hugo, Minnesota (aka tax parcel #93007-2100). The site in <br />question contains approximately 15.8 acres. Although the lot is <br />approximately 685' in width at a point 600' from, 165th St., the applicants <br />Have indicated that the site in question is not conducive to constructing <br />a dwelling this far back: from the road. Because of the large area of <br />wetlands, they feel they will be limited to where they can locate a septic <br />system and put accessory buildings on the site in the future. <br />