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City Cc.uncil meeting of September 4, 1.990) <br />Page <br />There is apparently an old foundation on the site at this time, and the <br />applicants have indicated that it will be removed or demolished and <br />covered up if this variance is granted. Percolation tests have beer-+ <br />prepared to serve the proposed home location noted on the site plan. The <br />proposed driveway will cross an identified ditch on site, as well as the <br />road ditch on 165th St. Both crossings shall be permitted only if <br />approved by the city engineer, utilizing the properly sized culverts <br />installed in a manner acceptable to said engineer-. This matter was <br />reviewed by the Zoning Board of Adjustments at their meeting of August 22, <br />1990, and they unanimously recommended approval of this variance request. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Arnold Mank:e, David Slipka, and Robert Thiesen for the construction of a <br />single family dwelling in a location where the lot is only 135' in width <br />at the building setback line rather than the required 300' width. The <br />property is described as the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 7, T31N, R21W <br />(Parcel #93007-2100). Approval being subject to removal of old building <br />foundation and installation of the ditch culverts, as required. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OREST LAKE YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU PRESENTATION <br />As per Council direction, a FLYSB representative appeared before the <br />Council to explain their program in conjunction with their budget <br />request. The City Council approved funding support of the Youth Service <br />Bureau in the amount of $2,620 in 19?0, and the 1991 request is $2,760. <br />SET BUDGET HEARING DATES <br />Atkinson made motion, McAllister seconded, that the City Council set the <br />formal budget hearing date for Monday, December 3, 1990, with an alternate <br />date for December 1.1., 1990. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />KENCO HOMES (SIGN REQUEST <br />Representatives of Kenco Homes are requesting Council approval to install. <br />a temporary sign at the intersection of County Road EA and Highway 61. <br />(southeast corner) prior- to the Parade of Homes this fall. The applicant-.; <br />will be formally applying for a Special. Use Permit to install a sign o7 a <br />more permanent nature while they are building fomes in the Birch Tree <br />Ponds subdivision. It is our understanding that the sign will be taken <br />down if the SUP is not approved by the Planning Commission and Council. <br />Because the City Council felt that the issuance of a temporary sign, prior <br />to the holding of a public hearing would circumvent the public process, <br />the following motion was made: <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to deny the request of Kenco Home <br />to install a temporary sign at the south east corner of County Road 8A an( - <br />Highway 61, and the matter be referred to the Planning Commission fc-r• the <br />required public hearing. <br />All eye. Motion Carrier.... <br />