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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1990 <br />The meeting was called to by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />City Administrator, k::en Huber <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />Jesinski made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes for the <br />regular City Council meeting of October 15, 1990, as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the claims for November 5, <br />1990, in the amount of $21,655.65. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinski seconded, that the City of Hugo has no <br />objection to the issuance of a charitable gambling license to the National <br />Ataxia Foundation at Carpenter's, 14559 Forest Boulevard, and waiver of <br />the 60 -day waiting period. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE 'TO SETBACk:: ( R . CLAUSON ) <br />Mr. Richard Clauson has made application to the City of Hugo to construct <br />a pole barn on a five acre tract of land located at 6857 170th Street <br />North, Hugo, MN. The property in question is zoned agriculture, and Mr. <br />Clauson has indicated that the pole barn will be used for farm and other <br />related storage. It should be noted that the lot in question is <br />non -conforming, and is substandard in both lot width, as well as lot area. <br />Mr. Clauson is requesting to construct a 36' x 64' pole barn 8' from the <br />west property line. Mr. Clauson has stated that the layout of the <br />building will allow room on the east side to leave a parking and <br />turn -around area, trees for a tree farm and wind break, as well as <br />drainage ditch leading to the pond in the back. Also, it will allow him <br />to overlook the back of his property rather than looking at the pole <br />building from his house. The Board of Zoning Adjustments considered this <br />request at their meeting of October 24, 1990, and recommended approval of <br />the variance. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Richard Clauson, 6857 170th Street, to construct a 36' x 64' pole barn 8' <br />from the west property line. The pole building shall be used for <br />residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE TO SETBACk: (T. CREAGER) <br />Mr. Therman Creager, 12203 Ingersoll Avenue North, has made application to <br />the City of Hugo to construct a 24' x 60' pole building closer to <br />