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City Council meeting of January 3, 1989 <br />Page 3 <br />APPOINT ZONING ADMINISTRATOR <br />Currently, the zoning administrator for the City of Hugo is City <br />Administrator, Ken Huber, and the Deputy Zoning Administrator is Deputy <br />City Clerk, Carole LaBelle. City staff is recommending that Mr. John <br />Benson be appointed Deputy Zoning Administrator. <br />^ <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, that City Administrator, Ken Huber, <br />be appointed Zoning Administrator, and John Benson, Assistant Zoning <br />Administrator, for the year 1989. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINT CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />City ordinances require that the City Council appoint a chairman and <br />secretary to the Planning Commission at the first regular City Council <br />meeting in January. Currently, the chairman of the Planning Commission is <br />Mr. Richard Sen[. --ler and the secretary is Carole LaBelle. <br />Atkinson made motion, Jesinski seconded, to appoint Richard Sent. -.ler as <br />Planning Commission Chairman and Carole LaBelle as PC secretary for the <br />year 1989. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />As of January 1, 1989, there are four vacancies on the Hugo Planning <br />Commission. The terms of Gerald Sullivan and Chuck Henry both expired on <br />12/31/88. Both of those individuals have requested consideration for <br />reappointment to the Planning Commission. Mr. Troy Sonnenfeld has <br />resigned his position on the Planning Commission, and his term would <br />expire on 12/31/89. Mr. Tom Jesinski has resigned his position on the <br />Planning Commission because of the election to the City Council. Mr. <br />Jesinski's term expires on 12/31/90. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to reappoint Gerald Sullivan and <br />Chuck Henry to serve 4 year terms on the Planning Commission, and appoint <br />Bill Mezzano to the Planning Commission for a term to expire on 12/31/90. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINTMENTS TO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS/APPEALS <br />Currently, serving on the Board of Zoning Adjustments is Mr. Bob Ellman, <br />who is the at -large citizen representative. The Planning Commission has <br />recommended the appointment of Dick Senkler as their representative to the <br />board. The City Council needs to appoint it's representative since former <br />Councilmember, Art Potts, served as board member and it's chairman' <br />