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City Council meeting of January 7%, 1989 <br />Page 4 _ <br />Atkinson made motion, Vail seconded, to appoint Richard Senkler as the <br />Planning Commission's representative and Bob Olson as the City Council's <br />representative on the board of Zoning Adjustments. <br />APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MAYOR <br />Annually, the City Council has appointed an acting Mayor to serve in the <br />absence of elected Mayor, George Atkinson. Currently serving as acting <br />Mayor is Councilmember, Deane Vail. <br />McAllister made motion, Olson seconded, to appoint Deane Vail as acting <br />Mayor for the year 1989. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRAFFIC REGULATORY SIGNS <br />As per Council direction, the Washington County Sheriff's Office has <br />reviewed potential traffic hazards on Ethan/Everton Avenues north of 121st <br />Street. The sheriff's department did not feel that the current situation <br />was extremely hazardous; however, they felt that providing curve signs, <br />and reducing the speed limit in that area to 20 mph, may help to prevent <br />future accidents. Any action by the Council regarding installation of <br />traffic regulatory signs at this location should be done by Council <br />resolution. <br />Mayor Atkinson directed city staff to submit the appropriate resolution <br />for Council consideration. <br />REZONING REQUEST (HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT) <br />Heritage Development of Minnesota, on behalf of Vern Peloquin, Mary <br />Christianson, and Philip Greenwaldt, have made application to the City of <br />Hugo for the rezoning of three parcels of land to single family urban. It <br />is the intent of Heritage Development to assemble approximately 47 acres <br />for residential development in an area southwest of Oneka Lake and east of <br />Geneva Ave. on Oneka Lake blvd. The site in question is currently zoned <br />SFE and Conservancy. The developers are desirous of ening SFU for <br />development purposes. Parcel A abutts SFU zones to the east and south, <br />Parcel b abutts SFU zones on the west and north, and Parcel C abutts SFU <br />zones on the west. The developers understand that if the sites are <br />improved to accommodate single family residentail dwellings, they will <br />need to extend utilities and conform with the city's subdivision <br />regulations at the time of plat review. The proposed sites are within the <br />urban service area of the City of Hugo. In that part of the project area <br />located within a floodplain :one b, we would wart to clarify that <br />approving the rezoning of property does not necessarily imply that the <br />city will allow subdivision of all of the tract: in question to 10,A00 sL <br />ft. lots. The development in question appears to be consistent with the <br />comprehensive plan and abutts on other districts; zoned for single f�imily <br />urban. The Hugo Planning Commission unanimously recommended apprc:)v<--.6. of <br />this rezoning request after holding the required r:;ublic hearing. <br />