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City Council meeting of January 17, 1989 <br />Page <br />Vail made motion, McAllister seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 89-2, <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS <br />SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: McAllister, Jesinsk:i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: NONE <br />Motion Carried. <br />McAllister made motion, Jesinsk:i seconded, to schedule a special meeting <br />of the Hugo City Council for Thursday, February 23, 1989, at 7:00 PM, for <br />the purpose of holding a public hearing for consideration of proposals <br />submitted for a cable communications system in the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SUND (R. POTTSMITH) <br />Richard and Harriet Pottsmith have made application to the City of Hugo <br />for the subdivision of a 40 acre tract of land into two 20 acre parcels in <br />a Conservancy district. Currently there is a home located on Parcel A of <br />the survey. The applicants have requested waiver of the formal platting <br />requirements for survey approval. Parcel B of the proposed survey is <br />located in Floodplain Zone A (100 year flood) as per the city's Flood <br />Insurance Map. Hardwood Creek: runs in a north/south direction through all <br />of Parcel B in this proposed subdivision. Throughout the review process, <br />city staff has been concerned with regard to an acceptable building <br />location on site as well as the ability to provide an on --site =ewer system <br />in this area. The DNR has indicated that they have no problem with this <br />proposal, and RCWD has issued a permit and established minimum floor <br />elevation for buildings at 914 feet. In reviewing the site percolation <br />test, and the preliminary survey provided, it would appear that the <br />location for the proposed on-site sewer system is not within the buildable <br />area of the site. Mr. Pottsmith has informed the city that the map <br />accompanying the percolation report is incorrect, and that the pert holes <br />are actually within the buildable area as shown on the survey. The: <br />Planning Commisson reviewed this request at their November 22, 1988 <br />meeting, and recommended approval of the survey, and waiver of the formal <br />platting requirements, subject to special. conditions. <br />McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the final certificate of <br />survey #1-17-89(A) for Richard and Harriet Pottsmith, waiver of the formal. <br />platting procedure, for the following described property: The !•a1= 1/4 of <br />the NE 1/4 of Section 7, T31N, R21.W, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. All fees relating to the subdivision shall be pairs by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />2. Developer pity fee in lieu of parkland dedication at the time of final <br />survey approval in the amount of `l;550.00. <br />2. A drainage plan including holding ponds and ditches- must be approved <br />by the watershed district and maintained by the property owner with <br />the method of maintenance:; to be reviewed by the city engineer. <br />